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19 <br /> <br /> (4) Owner's Redemption of Animal. The owner is entitled to redeem the <br /> <br /> animal, unless the Director/Supervisor retains the animal upon some <br /> other basis of legal authority, by paying all applicable fees, <br /> citation fees, boarding fees, and other costs that are attributable <br /> to the seizure of the dog, and complying with any outstanding <br /> Department order. <br /> <br /> (5) Owner's Postin~ of a Bond. If the Director/Supervisor has seized an <br /> animal as authorized by this Ordinance, or for any other legally <br /> authorized seizure and confinement of an animal, and the Director/ <br /> Supervisor determines that the Department's retention of any animal <br /> so seized by the Department, might extend beyond five days, then the <br /> Director/Supervisor shall be authorized to require the owner to post <br /> a bond or to deposit cash within a reasonable time to cover the <br /> boarding costs for the animal and any foreseen, reasonable <br /> veterinarian fees required by law or deemed necessary for the animal <br /> during the period of confinement. <br /> <br /> (6) Termination of Owner's Rishts. If an owner fails to comply with the <br /> requirement that constituted the basis for seizing the animal, or <br /> fails to reclaim the animal within the applicable time period, then <br /> the Director/Supervisor shall have the authority to humanely destroy <br /> the animal or place the animal for sale to the public, all in <br /> accordance with this Section, or to place the animal with a local <br /> humane society for future placement through the humane society. <br /> <br />Section 14. Interference with Enforcement of Ordinance. <br /> <br /> It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with, hinder or molest <br />the Animal Control Department or its agents or animal control officers or <br />veterinarians in the performance of any duty authorized by this Ordinance, or <br />otherwise specifically provided. When requested, an officer of the Cabarrus <br /> <br /> <br />