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any work or materials condemned as unsatisfactory by <br />the County Engineer and shall rebuild and replace same <br />to the standard required by the specifications, ail at <br />his own expense and in default thereof, the same may be <br />done by the District and the cost charged against the <br />Applicant. Final connection to the District's water <br />system will not be permitted until all work has been <br />approved by the Director and a letter of certification <br />by the designing Engineer received by the Cabarrus <br />County Utility Department. <br /> <br />The District shall own all facilities instal!ed under <br />this contract and shall collect all revenues for service <br />rendered from said water mains at the rate set forth in <br />the rules and regulations of the District. <br /> <br />Any connections, additions, or extensions to the <br />herein described water lines shall be made only <br />written permission of the District. <br /> <br />upon <br /> <br />The Applicant shall employ at his own proper cost and <br />expense a Professional Engineer registered in North <br />Carolina who shall design, lay out and supervise the <br />construction of these certain water lines. Complete <br />plans and profiles detailing all proposed construction <br />and equipment must be approved Dy the Director prior to <br />beginning any construction. Said construction plans <br />shall be prepared District standard plan and profile <br />paper as per District standards. <br /> <br />The App]icant further agrees that upon approval of said <br />Contractor and water plans by the Director, the owner <br />of said properties requesting water service shall <br />guarantee the installation of the required water <br />system. Upon completion of the water system as <br />descriDed, written notice thereof shall be given by the <br />Applicant to the Director~ who shall cause a final <br />inspection of the water system to be made and shall <br />within thirty (30) days accept the system for the <br />District, provided all stipulations of this contract <br />have been met. <br /> <br />After completion of all construction, the Applicant <br />shall furnish the original drawings of all construction <br />plans, revised to show any and all revisions <br />encountered during construction, to the District marked <br />"As-Built". The final plans shall show the actual <br />condition in which the facility was physically <br />constructed and/or installed. Further, the final plans <br />shall show the correct location of the facility as it <br />related to easements, right-of-way lines, property <br />lines, buildings, underground and/or overhead utility <br />lines, roadways, railroads, and ail other physical <br />features that would have any effect or influence upon <br /> <br /> <br />