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LL. Transfer Station: A site at which solid waste is <br />concentrated for transport to a processing facility or disposal <br />site. A transfer station may be fixed or mobile. <br /> <br /> MM. Used Oil: Any oil that has been refined from crude oil or <br />synthetic oil and, as a result of use, storage, -or handling, has <br />become unsuitable for its original purpose. <br /> <br /> NN. White Goods: Inoperative and discarded refrigerators, <br />ranges, water heaters, freezers, and other similar domestic and <br />commercial large appliances. <br /> <br /> O0. Yard Trash: Solid waste consisting solely of vegetative <br />matter resulting from landscaping maintenance. <br /> <br /> Section III. Storage and Disposal <br /> <br /> A. No owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee of any property may <br />deposit, store, or permit to accumulate any solid waste on his <br />property that is not stored or disposed of in a manner prescribed <br />by this ordinance. <br /> <br /> B. The owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee of any property <br />shall remove or cause to be removed all solid waste from his <br />property at least once each week (7-day period). <br /> <br /> C. Garbage shall be stored only in a container that is <br />durable, rust resistant, nonabsorbent, watertight, and easily <br />cleaned, with a close-fitting, fly-tight cover in place, with <br />adequate handles or bails to facilitate handling. The capacity of <br />containers used for individual residences may not exceed thirty- <br />nine (39) gallons [EPA recommends a maximum capacity of thirty-five <br /> <br /> <br />