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(4) Any other information requested by the county <br />Health Director and pertinent to the solid waste <br />collection business. <br /> <br /> F. (1) Vehicles and containers used for the <br />collection and transportation of solid waste shall be <br />covered, leakproof, durable, and easily cleaned. They <br />shall be cleaned as often as necessary to prevent a <br />nuisance and insect breeding and shall be m~intained in <br />good repair. Vehicles shall display in numbers at least <br />three (3) inches high the county license number of the <br />licensee and the license sticker issued by the county <br />~ealth Director. <br /> <br /> (2) Vehicles and containers used for the collection <br />and transportation of solid waste shall be loaded and <br />moved in such a manner that the contents will not fall, <br />leak, or spill, and shall be covered to prevent the <br />blowing of material. If spillage or leakage should <br />occur, the material shall be recovered immediately by the <br />licensee and returned to the vehicle or container, and <br />the area properly cleaned. <br /> <br />G. When the county Health Director finds that a licensee has <br /> <br />violated this 6rdinance or the conditions of the license, the <br /> <br />county Health Director shall give the licensee written notice of <br /> <br />the violation and inform him that if another violation occurs <br /> <br />within thirty (30) days, or in the case of a continuing violation, <br /> <br />if it is not corrected within ten (10) days, the license will be <br /> <br />revoked. If another violation occurs within the thirty-day period, <br /> <br />or, if the continuing violation is not corrected within ten (10) <br /> <br />days, the county Health Director shall give the licensee written <br /> <br />notice that the license is revoked. Upon receipt of the notice of <br /> <br />revocation, the licensee shall stop collecting, transporting, or <br /> <br />disposing of solid waste. The county Health Director may reinstate <br /> <br />a revoked license after the revocation has been in effect for <br /> <br />thirty (30) days if the Director finds that the conditions causing <br /> <br />the violation have been corrected. A licensee whose license has <br /> <br />18. <br /> <br /> <br />