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D. The board may grant a franchise only upon finding that the <br />applicant will render prompt, efficient, and continuing service to <br />the area for which the franchise is granted and that the applicant <br />has sufficient equipment and personnel to render service to all <br />persons generating solid waste within the servic~ area. <br /> <br /> E. The board shall determine the area for which a franchise <br />is granted. <br /> <br /> F. The board shall set or approve all residential fees <br />charged by solid waste collectors before granting a franchise. In <br />addition, the board may set or approve commercial, institutional, <br />or industrial fees with the provision that prior to such action, <br />the board shall notify all affected parties and hold two (2) public <br />hearings prior to implementing any such change. The board may <br />classify fees according to whether residential, commercial, <br />institutional, or industrial customers are served, so that <br />reasonable compensation may be provided in accordance with the <br />public interest. Fee schedules may be amended by the board from <br />time to time. <br /> <br /> G. A franchise shall be for a term of three (3) years and <br />shall be renewable. The initial term shall commence on January 1, <br />1993. <br /> <br /> H. A solid waste collector franchised under this ordinance <br />shall present to each prospective customer, in advance of any <br />agreement with that customer, a schedule of his fees, as authorized <br />by this ordinance, to be charged. All solid waste shall be removed <br />from the customer's premises at least once a week, provided the <br /> <br />20. <br /> <br /> <br />