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§105-366 CH. 105. TA.~LITION §105-366 <br /> <br /> property, if the taxes on the goods or fixtures rerh'ain <br /> Unpaid 30 dab's after the date of the sale or transfer, but in <br /> such a case the ]evy or attachment must be made ~thln <br /> · six months of the sale or transfer. <br /> <br /> sasSed by one having a security interest therein so langas <br /> (6) PersOnal property of the taxpayer that has been repos- <br /> <br /> the property remains in the hands of the perSOn whohas <br /> repOsseSsed it or the person to whom it has been trans- <br /> ferred other than by bona fide sale for value. <br /> (7) Personal property due the taxpayer or to become due to him <br /> within the calendar year· <br /> (8) perSonal property of a partner in satisfaction of taxes on <br /> partnership property, but only after the tax collector: <br /> a. Has sokl the taxing unit's lien for taxes against the <br /> partnership real property, if any; and <br /> b. Exhausted the partnershi~'i personal property through <br /> the use of levy and attachment and garnishment; and <br /> c. Exercised the authority granted him by G.S. 105-364 in <br /> an effort to collect the tzx due on the partnerShip's <br /> . property. <br /> (9) PersanaI property transferred by the ta:x.-payer by any type <br /> 'of transfer other than those mentioned m this subsection <br /> Co) and other than by bona fide sale for value if the Jew or <br /> attachment is made ~4thin six months of the transfer. <br /> (cb Remedies Before Taxes Are Delinquent. -- If between the <br />date as of which property is to be listed and January 6 of the fiscal <br />yehr for which the taxes are imposed the tax collector has reason- <br />able grounds for believing that the taxpayer is about to remove his <br />prolperty from the taxing unit or transfer it to another person or is <br />in lmmine.n,t, danger ofbecomlng insolvent, the tax collector may <br />lex'y on or a,tach that property or any other personal property of the <br />taxpayer, in the manner provided in G.S. 105-367 and 105-368. If <br />the amount of taxes collected under this subsection has not yet been <br />determined, these taxes shall be computed in accordance with G.S. <br />105-359 and any al~plicoble discount shall be allowed. <br /> (db Remedies against Sellers and Purchasers of Stocks of Goods <br />or Fixtures Of Wholesale or Retail Merchants. -- <br />(1) Any wholesale or retail merchant (as defined in Schedule E <br />of the Revenue Act) who sells or transfers the major part of <br />his stock of goods, materials, supplies, or fixtures, other <br />than in the ordinary course of buslnese or who goes out of <br />bnslness, shall: <br /> a. At least 48 hours prior to the date of the pending sale, <br /> transfer, or termination of business, give notice <br /> thereof to the assessors and tax collectors of the taxing <br /> units in which his business is located; and <br /> b. Within 30 days of the sale, transfer, or termination of <br /> business, pay all taxes due or to become due on the <br /> transferred property on the first day of September of <br /> the current calendar )'ear. <br /> {2) Any person to whom the ma~or Part of the stock of goods, <br /> materials, supplie~, or fixtures ora whole~le or retai/mer- <br /> chant (as defined in Schedule E of the Revenue Act) is sold <br /> or transferred, other than in the ordinary course of busi- <br /> ness, or who becomes the succossor in business ora whole- <br /> s~e or retail merchant shall withhold from the purchase <br /> <br /> 695 <br /> <br /> <br />