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z. ~, ~oms ~Tm~, ~sC. ~ E C E I V E D <br /> 101 Reynokla Village <br /> Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27106-5199 <br /> (919) 725-7541 o~eof <br /> Co~Ma~agtr <br /> <br /> ~ to: OFF Stage Oae County Representatives <br /> ~ fr~n: ~oe Kilpat_rick <br /> l~te; 'December 11, 1990 <br /> <br /> ~closed is a li~t of the 16 ce.tory OF~ proj~::ts which were chosen to receiv8 <br /> the $20,000 planning and development grants. Eighty-three counties (including <br /> 4 ccr~sortia of counties) s,,~.,itted phase one prcposals in response to the <br /> Fc~uzlation's OFF Request for Protx~als. T~is response was far greater than we <br /> expected; ami the larg.e number of applicants added to the difficulty <br /> selecting the planning grant recipients. <br /> <br /> The "promi-~e" of each pr~l was one of several factors the Trustee cc~mlttee <br /> to in the selection of the 16 winners, the nature <br /> weigh <br /> But, <br /> given <br />of the phase one proposal -- a statement of intentions or a "plan to plan" for <br />each county, it proved to he rather difficult to assess the real promise of <br />each proposal without having the benefit of the results of the planning process <br />each county was asked to describe. ~herefore, other factors had a major <br />influence upo~ the selection of the 16 -- factors such as need, size, <br />geographic diversity, evidence of the cca~mitment of local leadership, and <br />evidence of co.~itment to meaningfully involve clients or "consumers" in the <br />bFF planning and implementation process. <br /> <br />We -- the Fou~lati~'s staff -- are in the prccess of hiring a person to work <br />as the part-time coordinator of the OFF initiative. Our intention is to select <br />this person by the end of the y,ar. <br /> <br />(~r plan is to organize a meeting in 3enuary with representatives frcm the 16 <br />projects chosen to receive the OFF planning grants. We will int~cduce ycu to <br />the OFF coordinator at that time. ~is person will serve as the primary <br />liaison between the OFF projects and the Foundation. (~e of the goals of the <br />January meeting will be to explore what further assistance wa -- thrcugh the <br />OFF coordinator -- can provide, directly or indirectly, to each of the 16 <br />projects during the next phase of the OFF initiative. <br /> <br />At least one county which applied for the OFF planning grant and was not <br />selected has reclnes~ed the oidxxtunity to review the prq~osals of those <br />cmnties which were selected "for the purpose of learning from their ideas." <br />This raises the question: do you have any objectio, to the Fonedation sharing <br />parts or all of your Stage ~e OFF proposal with o~hers? Our initial feeling <br />is that it wo_,~a further the "de,~nstration" go~_!s of the OFF initiative to <br />provide such information upon request, provided the purpose of the request <br />appears to be constructive. But we di4 not want to act ~ this inclination <br />withcut co~sulting with yo~ and the other rePresentatives from the 16 OFF <br />planning projects. If y~u have any reservations about the R~u~tation sharing <br />the content of ~ planning prcposal with interested parties, please let me <br />knc~ within the next week. <br /> <br /> <br />