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·All Staff proposed for t~s project arc cur~ndy employed by Ecosomeuins and have the time <br /> available to meet the level of effon commlued in tiffs cost pwposal. <br /> <br /> · A specific schedule of payments over the course of thls work, based on the percentage of the <br /> study completed during each month, will be required as part of this contract. F. cosometrics <br /> raservcS the right to suspend work on thls contract without penalty should exth~me delays in <br /> processing congclly prepared invoices o~cur, <br /> <br /> Please also note the following items rc§arding the project: · <br /> <br /> · All work on this project will be directed by lvlr. Ion B. BurkhlUdt, Vice President of <br /> Ecosometrics. <br /> <br /> · '/'nc Project Manager will b~ F~ed Fravel. <br /> <br /> · Thc study will likely ~...qulrc a minimum of two person-trips to the site, On the, sc trips, we <br /> will mcctlng with key local officials and gather Important data. Extensive phone contacts <br /> also pa~ of our standant work plan. <br /> <br /> ·The individuals devoting thc largest blocks of their time to this project will bc Fred Fravcl, <br /> Ken Hoscn, and Bob Hayes. <br /> <br />would also like to call your attention to thc following items: <br /> <br /> · : A/man{to M. Lago, P~esidcnt of Ecosomeffics, and Ion I~. Burlohardt, Vice President, have the <br /> authority to negotiate contmcta for Ecnsomeb'ies. They can be r~ached at (301) 652-2414. <br /> Mall should be addressed to thc company at 4715 Co/deU Avenue, Bcthesda. Maqtland, <br /> 20814-~016. <br /> <br /> ·EcnsomcUics is certified as a Minority Business Enterprise by thc North Carolina Dcpam~ent <br /> of Tr'~ponagon. <br /> <br /> · Ecnsomcui~s overhead' combines fringe benefits or payroU burden and general ~mi~istrativc <br /> expenses (O&A) into rmc overhead rate. Other firms sometimes scpa~to charges for fringe <br /> beac~ts/payroU burden and for general administrative expenses (using what is c~d a "2-pool <br /> overhead system"). For proper comp~soa of ove~ead charges among competing rims, you <br /> should divide the sum of thc costs of the fTingc benefits/payroll burden and the G&A <br /> of the firms using a 2-pool overhead by their total labor hour costs and <br /> expen.e~:s <br /> syst~l/~ <br /> compare this total with thc singte ovcrhcnd rate used by F, cosometrics and <br /> <br /> · Pursuant to the U. $. Dcpam~atu of Transponadon/U~TA recendy promulgated regulations <br /> on disclosures of conflicts of interest' F. cosomeUks, Xnc* ccrd'~es to the fact that we have no <br /> relevant intep:st idcn.dfied in Subsection 0) of Section 12.52209-7], U.S, Dcpa~m]ent of <br /> Transportation Acquisition Regulations (DOTAR) and that no affiliation exists rclcvan~ to <br /> possible cord]iota et'interest, l~cosomeUics, lncozporated docs not own nor is affdtatcd with <br /> any private transpoxlation set'vice provider. <br /> <br /> <br />