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North Carolina <br /> Department of Administration <br />J~m~ G. Martin, Governor <br /> Planning <br /> Jump S Lo,on, Se~etary Sheron K. Morgan, Dire~or <br /> October 5, 1990 <br /> <br /> Mr. Michael M. Rufftn <br /> POst Office Box 707 <br /> Concord, North Caroline 28026-0707 <br /> <br /> Dear Mr. Ruff/n: <br /> <br /> As you know, Uovernor Martin and the Governor's Advisory Council <br /> on Literacy hosted a Family Literacy SymPosium on September <br /> 19-~0 in Durham. Based on the feedback which we have received <br /> from persons who attended the s~mpostum, I believe we can label <br /> the event a huge success. <br /> <br /> The s!~mposium was only the beginning of a major literacy effort <br /> by the Advisory Council which we hope will gain momentum over <br /> the nex~ 1~ months. The time which county delegations spent <br /> with us exemplifies how truly lucky we are in North Carolina. <br /> ~hile our state bas a great need for increased literacy efforts, <br /> we also have a wealth of resources which can be utilized to <br /> address these needs. With the support of our local leaders, we <br /> can strive to meet the challenge. <br /> <br />We ~our help. Unfortunately, your county was <br />represented at the symposium. I am enclosing a packet of <br />information from the s!nnposium. Accompanying this packet is an <br />explanatory'memo with a form to assist your local leaders in <br />their consideration of a family literacy effort in ~our county. <br />Please forward this information to someone in your count~ who <br />you feel would best be able to coordinate a county-wide literacy <br />initiative. We would like to encourage this initiative to <br />include bringing together those local leaders in your county who <br />have an interest in literacy -- e.g., school superintendents, <br />community college presidents, Head Start directors, literacy <br />council directors, or librarians. We would appreciate it if you <br />would also take the tame tO contact the Office of Policy and <br />Planning with the name of the person to whom you have sent this <br />material. <br /> <br /> l 16 IYmt Jonu Strcct· R alciglh North Carolim 27601-$001 · Tclcphone 919-711-4 J ] 1 <br /> <br /> <br />