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im M o N T G OM ER ¥ COUNTY <br /> <br /> RESOLUTIONREQUESTINGCONSTITUTIONALAMENDMENT <br /> <br />~m W~R~AEAS, Congress has increased local taxes by mandating programs <br />~ m without providing funding for such mandated programs, <br />~ and thus has avoided political responsibility for said <br />~m tax increases; and <br />~ I~RREAS, state and local governments have been required to respond <br /> ~ m to federal funding cuts by either increasing taxes or <br /> il reducing services to citizens; and <br /> ~ ~.~S, mandated programs now account for aDproximatelv 50 plus <br /> ~ m percent of local tax expenditures; ~nd <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, funding of mandated programs through local tax dollars <br /> m limits the ability of the County to provide needed services, <br /> infrastructure and capital needs; and <br /> <br /> m W~Y~REA$, the Mon{~omery County Board of CommissiOners-~e~eves ~hat <br /> it is in the best interests of the citizens of Montgomery <br /> County to prohibit legislation which mandates local services <br /> without providing adequate funding for said services. <br /> m NOW, TBEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Montgomery County Board of <br /> Commissioners that the Board requests of the North <br /> m Carolina General Assembly and the United States Congress <br /> that Constitutional Conventions be convened specifically <br /> for the purpose of considering constitutional amendments <br /> to prohibit federal legislation that mandates local <br /> funding of Frograms or services without providing <br /> funding for said programs and services. <br /> <br /> m NE IT FURT~E~ RESOLVED that this Resolution be forwarded to the <br /> following: <br /> <br /> 1. To each of the 99 County Commissions with North <br /> I Carolina; <br /> 2. To the North Carolina Congressional delegation; <br /> 3. To the office of the National Association of Counties <br /> m and North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. <br /> <br /> m This the 5th day of February, 1991. <br /> <br /> m <br /> D. T. $carborough, Chairman <br /> Montgomery County Commissioners <br /> m <br /> ~ally~ Morris, Clerk <br /> m Montgomery County CommissiOners <br /> <br /> <br />