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FROH: Jim Cook. Social Services Direct~- U <br /> SUBJECT: DSS Nominees for the Human Semite Planning Task Force <br /> <br /> I a ~riting to sub*it the ~ames of three Depar~ent of Social Services nominees <br /> for the County Human Silica Planning Task Force in accordance ~ith the resolution <br /> enacted by the Board of Co~isslontrs at its mueting of February 4. Having had the <br /> opportunity to think fuzrher and have discussion ~ith others about rhe Task Force, I <br /> also have some sut$estions I ~ould like to comunicate here. <br /> <br /> Af~eI consultation ~i:h the Chairperson of the Social Services Bo~d, I would <br /> like to submit the following nominees: ~ernice Horgan~ Board Chairperson, Be::y <br /> Je~ell, Board Vice-Chairperson, and Rod ~ucan, DSS Semites Program Administrator, <br /> <br /> ~e suigestions I have are as follo~s: <br /> <br /> 1 Consideration ~lght be given to e~anding the Task Force to provide <br /> · ep~esentation of other 8coups like the school systems and United <br /> These groups have substantial involv~int In h~an s~tces, (As I <br /> mentioned at the Board of Co=issioners aeetiui of February ~, United ~ay <br /> has lust e~pleted a F~ily Issues Task Force process ~hich should be <br /> considered and incorporated in~o the comunfty plannin8 process. <br /> <br /> 2, I~ may be desirable ~o appotnr the directors of the major County h~n <br /> se~tce agencies: ~e*lth~ Aging, Social Services and Hental ~ealth as <br /> ex-officio ~e~bers, ~ls could facili~ate the p~ovision of tnfo~a~ion to <br /> the Task ~orce, bring the expertise of these pro~ram persons to the process <br /> and enhance c~muntcations and coordination. <br /> <br /> Operation of a Task ~orce of ~his type ~equires considerable "staff" <br /> assistance. It may be desirable to consider asking United ~a~ ~o provide <br /> a professional huaan se~ice planner ~o serve as facilitator for the <br /> process. I have observed tba~ United ~a7 can ser~e very afilctival7 <br /> this capacity. <br /> <br />I 4. It would probably be advisable for the chairperson not to be one who has an <br /> high i~eutification with any single human service program. <br /> <br /> hope that these thoughts msy he helpful in so~e way. <br /> <br /> Department o! Social Services <br /> p.O. Boxr~8 · ~,NC2~ * [7~)7~7141 <br /> <br /> <br />