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L% 2 ~ 1991 <br /> <br />TO: ~hms ~mty ~rd of <br /> <br />DA~: Feb~a~ 22, 1~1 <br /> <br />~: Extension of County Sewer to the ~iage ~s ~vel~nt <br /> <br /> ~is is to info~ in a ~re ~lete ~ner of the fin~cing of the <br /> you <br />proj~t referenc~ ~ve. ~e ~th~ of fin~ci~ is not ~ing ~e 70/~ <br />~li~, ~t is ~ foll~s: <br /> <br /> 1) ~e ~iage ~s ~o~rty ~ers' ~iation ~d the <br /> ~vel~r will ~ ~yi~ 1~ of the c~t to extend these <br /> lines. <br /> <br /> 2) ~e ~ty will ~ .~yi~ only for the ~rchase of Right~f~ay <br /> ~d clearing as r~ire for the i~l~ntati~ of the Utility <br /> ~pit~ I~rov~nt ~oj~t i~ntifi~ as S2. <br /> <br /> 3) ~e exte~ion of ~ese lines will in~ the ~ent n~r <br /> of sewer ~t~rs by 193 (~ent ~ter ~rs) with the <br /> esti~t~ revenues fr~ these a~itions ~i~ ~ti~t~ to <br /> $2,~.~. ~e a~iti~al trea~nt c~t is esti~t~ to <br /> $1,~.~, ~us total ~tential revenues is esti~t~ to <br /> $1,~.00 ~r ~th. (~is ~s not t~e into ~iderati~ <br /> any furze ~ases of this devel~nt) <br /> <br /> 4) ~e ~ty ~uld also r~eiv~ flx~ ~sets a~xi~tely <br /> valu~ at $536,~.~. <br /> <br /> ~e~io~ly the ~iage ~ ~y ~ers' ~iati~ has <br />r~est~ ~e C~ty to finance their ~rt~ of ~e c~t of the li~es. <br />S~nce that in~tial r~est, a letter has ~n r~ei~ withdrawi~ <br />r~st for fin~ci~. {SEE A~ACH~) <br /> <br /> I f~l that ~is is a ~h~i~e proj~t for the ~ty to ~e. <br />~t ~ly will ~t c~ate i~ta~t reuenues, ~ ~, but <br />eli~te a ~9~ trea~nt pl~t, ~i~ will help prese~e the <br />int~rlty of ~le ~. ~e Cowry will r~ige fix~ a~ets of <br />~les an4 8 in~ se~r lines, valu~ at a~roKi~tely <br />~d th~ ~tential for future e~t~si~s. I therefore r~est that f~s <br />f~ the ~rrent Districts' ~et ~ all~at~ t~ard ~is p~j~t. <br /> <br /> 2326 D~;~s~ Hi9h'~:ay · kO. ~Cx 707 · <o~co:d, NC 2~026-0707 · (7~) <br /> <br /> <br />