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APPLICATION Approved:. <br /> PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING CAPITAL FUND Date: <br /> <br /> County: Cabarrus Contact Po£son: Blair Bennett <br /> Address= concora, NC Title= Finance Oirector <br /> School Admln. Unit:CabRrrus County. Schools Phone: ~70¢)788-8104 <br /> <br /> PrOject Title: fldell Elementary Cla~qrnnmq . . <br /> Location: Cabarrus County. North ~arnlina " <br /> Type of Facility: El~ntary gchnnl <br /> <br /> G.S. 2[SC-546~2(b) "MOnies in the Fund shall be used for capital outlay <br /> projects.including the planning, construction, reconstruction, enlargement, <br /> improvement, repair, or renovation of public, school buildings and for <br /> purchase of .land for public ~chool but)di~gs.. As used in this section, tpub~c <br /> school butldfnesm only includes facilities for individual schools that are used <br /> ,for instructional and related Duresses and does not include centralized <br /> admlnis~ration, eafntenanCeo other facilities." <br /> Short Description of Construction"Ad~i~on'df a ~' cia~sroom wi~q 'at <br /> Odell Elementary School.. the new wingwill cnnt~(nten new classrooms. <br /> <br /> Estimated Costs: State . . Local Total <br /> Purchase of Land ~ S' $ <br /> Planning $. $ : 60,000 $ . 60tO00 <br /> Construction S 380tOOO $ SOD~735 $ 880t735. <br /> Renovation $ ~ <br /> Enlargement $ $ <br /> Repair $ ~ $ <br /> Total S 380,000 $ 560,735 S. 940,735 <br /> <br /> 8id Dates/Vendors: ]O/2~/gO-Cresent Constr~ction; KannapoHs Service; G&S I~etal; 8urns E1 <br /> Contracts;signed/Dates: ]~-~-~ <br /> Estimated date of'beginning of construction: December <br /> Estimated date of completion: ~ul¥ 3], ]99! <br /> <br /> ~atch: The matching funds of one dollar of loca~ funds for three dollar~ <br /> every <br /> of state funds are from {source): .Local Cap~tal Outlay Funds & Sales Tax . . <br /> $ 26~323 of %he mat~:hing funds have been expended for/date/descriptlon: <br /> 2) ..$ 44~468 -Architect Fees - George Griffin ~ Rugust-~anuar¥~199! <br /> 2) $22~845 - Constructi~q Fees - Contractors - ~ece~ber~anuar¥~ 299! · <br />3) <br /> <br /> Reporting requirements: ~e~ the underslgnedj agree to submit a stat~ent of <br /> state/local amounts expended for each project in each ~ocal school <br /> administrative unit quarterly. <br /> <br />The County Coa~(ssioners and the Board of Education do hereby_~otntly request <br />approval of the above project and request release of ~ 380,OO0 <br />from the Public School Bulldtn§ Capital Fund, ~e certify that the project <br />herein described'is within the parameters of !]$C~S45.2(b) and that all of the <br />match is available and designated as march for this project. <br /> <br />(slgn§tura - Chairman, County Co~missloner) id'ate) <br />(S~gnaXtu~ - Chatrm~n, Board of Education) (date) <br /> <br /> <br />