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A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING <br /> A CHANGE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> AT CHARLOYI-I:'S MISSION <br /> <br /> ~,qtEREAS, thc present a~d furore economic and educalional wcll-belog of Cabarrus Couniy and our reglon <br /> is of fundamental importance; and <br /> <br />I~.qlEREAS, thc absence of a maior research mgvet~Iy ia the rcl~on is considered to be a subslaotlal <br /> impediment to further de,'elopmcnt; and <br /> <br />I~AER~S, The Uuivcr~l~ of North Carolina at Charlotte is the o~ly institution in the region ~xlth potential <br /> to become a re. search institution <br /> <br />THEREFORE, BE IT RF~OLVED that the Board of Comm~ssloners of Cabarr~ Cnuoly recommends to the <br />President and Board of Governors of Thc Univcrslly of Noah Carolina: <br /> <br /> That the mission of Thc Uoil'ersity of North Carolina at Cbarlotle bi; revised to confer slalus <br /> as a national research university offering docloral programs, and <br /> <br /> That the 'campns° of The Unix'crsity of North Carolina at CharloRe be de,hied formalli as the <br /> legion; and <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thai tho Board of COmmissione~ of Cabarrus Couniy fully tndorse, l the follo'~%§ <br />sprx:ifie slatcment of iazlhutlonal purpose and mission submitted for consideration In thc President and Board <br />of Governors by The Univcrsity of North Carolina at Charlotte and recommends approval thereof. <br /> <br /> UNCC STATEMENT OF INSII 10TIONAL MISSION <br /> <br /> The Uni~rslly of Norlh Carolina at Charloitc offers degree programs at thc baccalaureate, <br /> master's, intermediate, and doctoral [nvcls. It is committed to a broad and balanced curriculum <br /> hi the liberal Mis a~d scieocos and selected professional programs and aspires to significant <br /> grov, lh in slzc and distinction. AS a mctropolltan-oricnted university, it offers instrucilonal, <br /> research, and public s~vic¢ programs in p~'ovidn for thc c~lucatlonal, *'conomic, sorial, and <br /> coItura! advancement of thc pcopIc of North Carolina through on- and off-campus programs <br /> <br />Adopted this the 4th day of March, 1991. <br /> <br /> Billy J. Simmons, Jr-. Chairman <br /> Cabarrns Courtly Board of CommL~hintrs <br /> <br />Frantic F. Small, Clerk Io the Board <br /> <br /> 788 &lO9 <br /> <br /> <br />