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~lqll U,E I ill~,~ <br /> <br />TO: cab~rrus County Com~rdssioners <br />FROM: Jonathan B. Marshall/Planning and Zoning Department <br />DATE: March 20, 1991 <br />SUBJECT: Northwestern small A~ea Plan <br /> <br />Jerry Newton has spoken with the City Manager of Kannapo]~s, Gene McCombs, <br />concerning their review/comments on the Northwestern small Area Plan. The City <br />Council has still not made a decision ~bout whether or not they would like for us <br />present the plan to them; nor have we received any comments fro,m them on the plan. <br /> <br />We would like to request that consideration of this plan for adoption be postponed <br />until your regular zoning meeting on April 15, 1991. <br /> <br />pcc <br /> <br /> <br />