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Of~:g -' _ . <br /> c~nty: Cabarrus Cont,( Peyson: Blair Bennett <br /> Address: boncore~ NG Title: F~nanee Director <br /> ~h~l Admln. Untt:Cabarrus Coun~ Scho61's P~ne: (7~) 7~-81~ <br /> <br /> L~atton: Cabarrus County. ~nr~ ~arnHna % <br /> Type of Facility: [l~n~ry Soho1 [ <br /> G.S. ~15C-546~2(b} "HOnles tn the Fund She11 be used for caPttal'outlay <br /> proJ~ts-tncludtng ~e planning, const~ctlon, ~onst~ctlon, enlarg~nt, <br /> tmp~v~nt, repair, or ~novatlon of publtc.~h~] buildings and for ~he <br /> pu~hase of'land for public ~chool but]dtBgs.. As used In ~ls s~ton, (public <br /> ~h~l butldtn~s~ only 1~lud~ f~tllt1~ for Individual ~ls that a~ use~ <br /> for tn~1onal and ~lat~0u~s~ ~d d~s no~ t~lude ~n~ral~zed <br /> a~ln1~ratlon. ~ntena~e. or other f~llltles." <br /> <br /> Sho~ Oescrtpt!on of ~nst~ctton PFo~: Addition of a ne~ classroom ~i~q 'at <br /> 0dell El~n~rv School. ~e n~ ~in~ ~11 ~nnta~n ~n ne~ classr~. <br /> <br /> Estimated Costs: State . . . Local Total <br /> Purchase of Land $ $. $. <br /> Planning $ <br /> Construction $ 380~000 $- 500~735 $ 880~735 <br /> Renovation $. <br /> Enlargement $ $ $. <br /> Repair $. $' $. <br /> Total $. 380,000 $1 560,735 $ 940.735 <br /> <br /> Bid [~ates~.¥e~dors: 10/2S/90-Cresent Cons(thc(ion; Kannapolis Service; G&S ~etal; Burns Ele( <br /> Contracts'signed/Dates: 11-9-90 <br /> Estimated date of'beginning of cobs(ruction: . Dece~er ]_)ggD <br /> Estimated date of completion: July 3]. ]99] <br /> <br /> Hatch: The matching funds of-one dollar of local funds for every three dollar.s <br /> of state funds are from (source): Local Capital Outlay Funds & Sales Tax <br />S 261,313 of the matching funds have been expended for/date/description: <br />1) $ 44,468 - Architect Fees - Georqe GPiffin - August-Januar¥~1991 <br />2) ~2161845 - Construction Fees - Contractors - December-Januarlft 1991 , <br />3) <br /> <br />Reporting requirements( .tie, the undersigned, agree to submit a statement of <br />state/local amounts expended for each project In each local school <br />admtnlstrat(ve unit quarterly. <br /> <br />The County Commissioners and the Board of Education do hereby_J_olntly request <br />approval of the above project and request release of $ 380,000 <br />from.the Public School Boildlng Capttal Fund. t~e certtfy that the project <br />herein described' ts within the parameters of 115C-546.2(b) and that all of the <br />match is avallab..l~nd designated as match for this project. <br /> <br />(slgh~u~/Chairman, County CoealSstoner} (date) <br />(sl'gna~tuffd - Chairman, Board of Education) (date) <br /> <br /> <br />