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¢~lll~¢ila II lllue~ miller ol bfo~mali0n only nnd conlofl no ~ighll V~,~n Ihe cl~ilicsle holCer, <br />ThT~ <br /> <br />Ins¢rer accepls ~ Cespons~bi~ly I¢ any eddltlons or changes mad~ he~eon thai ate nol <br />Iha Insurer. <br /> <br /> qame a~d AdCress ol InSured: <br /> <br /> SO~[~X !~E~ATIO~AL FIRSt,KS, INC. <br /> <br />~ Is Io ce~i~y Ih~l lbo pOtiCy~e5) OI insurance lisled bei~ have been ~ssued Io th~ ln~u~ed named <br />a~a and ara In Iorca 81 Ihls gme. <br /> <br /> .' <br /> ~PE OF INSUR~CE: ' G~NERA~ LIABILITY <br /> . ~ndope~li~l~ns PgO~U~S A~D C~HPL~ED OPERaTIOnS <br /> cove~eUIhe(eunder LIAOILI~ INSURANCE PER ~LICY ~RH <br /> ~l (C~IH5 HADE) <br /> <br /> NAME O~ INSURER: EVANSTON IHSURANC~ COHPAXY <br /> POLIGY NUMBER: HC ] ]497 . <br /> <br /> '~OLICYPERiOD: Hatch 2~, ~9~ :o <br /> Hatch <br /> 1991 <br /> <br /> LI~IT~OFLIABILITYANDDEOUCTISLE: ~XDIHED SIX~Lg MHI? Dod~ly ZnJury and <br /> <br /> ~ 25~ Dedu~tible each occurrence <br />~d ~a. ~es~Lbe~ ~ icy{ es) be csncelled before ils (Iheil) expital~ dale. lhe undersigned ~ll <br />deavot og~a lu dayswtillennolicelothecedi~calaholderor~-daYs w~illen ~llC~ Ih~ov~nl <br />Iha :ancellal~on[s} Is'{a~e] ~ua Io ~n.p~ymenl ol ptemlum an~'o~ ~educlibla or relonl~on, ea~u~e ~o g~va <br />such ~lice shN imasa ~ oB~gali~ or ~ab~ly ol ony ~ind upon Ihe un~etsigne~ or, pon Ihe Insurer. ' <br />I: Name and Address of Cerlilicale <br />I1 'K~napolis~'L Ch~ber of Corette .' . <br />[ P.O. Box 2~9 Kaunepolis Ch~er <br /> Kan~sp~lis, NC 28082 <br /> Sho~ dace: 'Hay !1, 1991 or alternate date i ' <br /> <br /> <br />