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w3v or .'1 corllrnon :)reR' oi" 3 condomilliul'n, aD;trlmen( comolcx, or <br /> ~ 'Sc~ere iniu:',(' mcan~ an~' ohvsical iniurv Ih3( resul(s in broken /"'-. <br /> I)oncs or all,figurine laccrat:on.~ or :-eqtlired cosine(lc surect'~' or <br /> ho~pilaliz~tion. <br /> (b} The orovisi~q.:O~ ,hi, Ar,i~,¢ ,~O not aD,,Iv ,o: <br /> ~ A doe beine used bva la~ enforccmcn~ o~ficer to ¢3rrv oo[ th< law <br /> enforcemenl o~ficer's official dulies: <br /> ~ A'doe heine u~ed in a lawful hum: <br /> ~ A doe. where the injury or ~damae~ inflicted bv ~he do~ <br /> sustained bva domestic animal While the doe ~as ~Or~ine as ~ <br /> htHtl[n~ tlo~. hcrdine doe. or oredatOr ContrOl do~ o~t Ihe <br /> ~[: o~ Gnde~ the conirol ~f. iu Owner or keeoer, a~d the d~mU~e or <br /> ~murv was Io a soecies or Iv~ of domeRlic animal ao0rooriate ~o <br /> the Work of the doe: or <br /> ~ A doe wh~re the ~niuff inflicted bv the doe was ~ustaincd ~v a <br /> pcr~on who. at thc time or' the iniurvL was commi,ine a witlfgl <br /> trcsoass or other tort. was tormenting, abusing, or aL~ullin~ the <br /> doe. had torm~nlcd, abused, or as~ullcd Ih~ doe.' or was <br /> - committine or a~lemo~ine ~o commit a crime. <br /> (cl The ~ounzv or mudicioal auihor~tv resoonsible for animal control 5hall <br /> desiznale a oerson or a Board Io be resoonsible for determinin~ ~hen ~ do~ i~ <br /> 'ootentiallv dane~rou~ doe' and ghall dcsi~nale a ~oaratc Board ~o h~ar un,- <br /> The ~erson or Board makine ~h~ dc[crmina~ion thaz a'doz is a 'oO~enliallv daneero~ <br /> do~' musl noti~ the owner in~ri~ine, eivinz ~he r~a~ons tot ~he de~ermi~it~ion.~ <br /> before th~ doz may be considered ~lenliall~ daneerous under ~his Anicle~Th~ <br /> o'~n~ ,~av ao~cal the determination-by ~lin~ wrilt~n ob;ections wi[h ~he aoEellaze <br /> Board within ~hree days. The aooellate Board shall schedule a he~rine wilhin [0 days <br /> of the filine of ~he obieczions.-Any ao~al from the final decision ot such aooclla~c <br /> Board shall-be ~aken ~o zhe suoerior c0un by filine nQtice of aooeal and a oe~t~on for <br /> review within 10 days of zhe-~nal decision of the Rbo~lla~e-8Oard. A~neal~ ~rom <br /> rulines o[ the aonclla[e Board Shall ~ heard in th~ ~U~rior cour~ division. Th~ <br /> aooeal shall be h~ard ~ ~e ~ore a suoerior court iudee si,inz in the county j~ <br /> ~fiich the aooella~e Board who~ ~line is heine aooenled i~ <br /> <br /> [~ is unlawful for owner <br /> ~o: <br /> ~ ~ Leave a danaerous d~a unaz~end~ on ~he own~r'~ re31 DroDCF[V <br /> unless zhe d~ i~ confined ind~. in a ~cur~lv enticed 3nd <br /> I~kcd oen. or-in another s~ct~e d~ian~ (o r~train {he do~: <br /> ~ permit a dangerous do· to ~o ~vond-the owner's real oro~er[v <br /> unl~ the doe ~ I~h~ ahd muzzled or'is O[hc~i~ <br /> r~Irained and muzzle. <br /> (bi [f ~he own~ of a daneerous doe transfem ownenhio or ~ion of the doe Io <br /> another hereon (~ defined ih ~.S. 12:~611. Ihe owner ~hall O~ovide written notice Io: <br /> - ~ The aulhoritv Ihul made the determination under ~his Arzicle. <br /> sla~ine lhe name and addr~ o~ Ihe new owner or ~e~r of <br /> <br /> n takin~ ownemhin or ~ion of the dnr. s~ci~ine <br /> the d0e's daneerobs ~havio~ ~d ~e authoritv's determination. <br /> ~cl Violation of this ~lion ts a mi~em~not ounishable bv a fine not to exceed <br />one hundred dolla~ ~S1~.~1 or impri~nmenr[dr no[ more ~han ~ da~'s or ~h. <br />"i 6743. ~ ~ iI~ by ~n~ ~ <br /> <br />2 Senate Bill ~4 <br /> <br /> <br />