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~jlliems v. Tyslnger! 9? M.C. App. &]8 (1990). Plalnciff'e nlne'year-old <br /> son vae scriously injured *.'hen kicked by a horsc bolon{in{ Co the <br /> defendant. The defendant h~d inviCed the injured boy a~d his brother to <br /> play vith her horse Ind Coy v~ich she stated "l~d been 'raised around <br /> children end vould not hurt anyone". There vie no evidence of previous <br /> viciou,nesc On ch, parc of the herin, b~c ic did ettack the ambulance creu <br /> ~en it Irrlved on ~he icone 4nd entered ~he paliure. The Cou~ <br /> <br /> propenl~y iud d~d z~ o~er have iczuil or conl~ruc~ive knovled{e of <br /> lllbili~y. ~e i~ue o[ neSliSence ~s no~ con~idered by ~e courz <br /> <br /> in~rienced children ~o ~o in~o ~he ~ure by ~he~elvee and play <br /> ~i~ls. Beaver, ~he ~jorizy considered only s~ric~ liabilizy and no~ <br /> neSliSence' <br /> <br /> ~on v. gcone*creec~ 96 M.C. App. 564 (1989). ~e defendan~ u~, hlc~in8 <br /> Soil billl in hil [ron~ ylrd rich hil dos nlarby, ~en luddenly the dos <br /> rln inco chi icreec ~d ~oc~d the plain~i[[ o[[ ~r bicycle. ~l trial <br /> court cr~ced chili~ 4 neililence tale, ricer ch~ one of scrlcC <br /> liability. ~erl vii ~ local ordi~nce in effect ~kinl iC ~lav[ul ~or <br /> ~y ~er o~ i doS co ~mlc c~ dos co ~n 4C larie or ~ o[[ the <br /> prmiee~ of the ~er ~ile ~oc ~der the rescrJinc o[ a eminent <br />~r~on. The Court o~ Ap~al~ [o~d for the plalnci([, in ~rc because <br />the viol~clon of the I~ delcrib~ ordln~cl, ff~ever, char· vas ~ <br />vi&orous di~eenc by 3udil hccon ~o did hOC chink there vel elcher co.on <br />1~ neilli~ce or neilliencl per ae ~eed on the ordln~ce. The dissent <br />~c con~iderlble e~il on c~ vordin& o[ ~be ordi~nce ~caule the <br />defendlnc did hoc ~mic the d~ co ~n lc lirie. The N.C. guprm <br />rarefied chi~ c4ee zn i one leuc~ce opinion vblcb e~ciilly ~dopCed <br />3udie hcc~ dllsenc. [32& I.e. 798 <br /> <br />State v. Dic~nel 215 N.C. ~03 (1939). ~il vii I crlii~l cale v~re the <br />de/endue ~l chlried vlth s~ocinl ~d vllu~ble vhich had <br /> dos <br />crei~lM ou[o ~l pro.roy of chi de~eM~C'~ Mployer. ~ <br />~urC ~ed cbac chre va~ no nid~ce C~C the doe ~s acce~clnj co <br />acc~ck luy plrsou or aui~l, or cbriic~inl inju~ co prbpercy. In <br />fi~iul chi defe~c Sultry c~ c~rC ~[atid "c~ pre~ence of the doe on <br /> <br />bib ~Mcoatarily, alrhouah Creo~ooinsu. ~io is an old case' cri~ u~er <br />a .u~rc~d .recurs. BuC tb 8~ offense ~cu~inl co~y ~uld ~ a <br />vloLiclon of G.S. 14-360, ~nishsbLe by a fine of up co $~500 ~d <br />iapris~mnc for up Co oM yur. ~iZe cbs Dick,s case ia 4 criminal <br />ciao ic ~uld indicice thc killins a cree~sainB ~1 is ~c aucborised <br />by Law I~ C~o ~uld prohbX7 result in civit Liability. <br /> <br /> <br />