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1991 <br /> <br />THE tAW <br /> The Solid Waste Management Act of 19~'9, also known as Senate Bill 111, ,~ets goals and POlicies regarding waste management <br /> and establishes several pl:ohibitions reg~ding waste practices. Disposal of white goods by landfilllng is expressly prohibited. <br /> <br /> According to G.S. 130A-309.10~0 'no pe.~on shall kno~'ingly dispose olr the following special wastes in landfills: (4) White <br /> Goods after 1 January 1991.' The law in G.S. 130A-290(a)(44) defines white goods as'includes inoperative and discarded <br /> refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, freezers, and similar domestic and commercial large appliances' i.e. washers, dryers, dish- <br /> washers, kitchen trash compactors, scindow unit air conditioners, e~c. <br /> <br />RECYCLING: AN OPTION <br /> R~.'yciing is the prd'erred option for management of. white goods. Appllance$ have hi~lori~ll¥ h~n reey¢led in lacS* num- <br /> be~ in this country, primarily through ~ap ~'tal dealer~ and ~unk yanls. As with any ¢ommodit¥o the pcire for .~'ap raet~l <br /> hes fluctuated over tim~ and the curt-ertl price la approximately $25.00 ~ n~ ton or SI.~5 ~ one hundred pounds. Th~ price <br /> varies a~oss the state depending on pn~luct quality and quantity. Quality is affected by the pr~nce of mntaminants which <br /> normally come flora the moto~ and capacitors: The motors contain non-ferrous raetals that are not a desirahlo part of the final <br /> product. The caparitora have a minor pot~ntial for containing PCBs. <br /> <br />COLLECTION MANAGEMENT <br />A colletaion site should be located to pm*.qde easy access for delivery of. goods and ~r suhsequmt pick-up of the material. The <br />site should be of suffir'i~nt si~ to allow for accumulation of e.nough mater~al to compri.~ a mark~ble mmmodity. Attention <br />should be giv*m to factora .~urh as public accessibility and futura ~xpansion. Consideration may be given to locating such a <br />~:rap mt~al coll~.'rion site at the ~nlta~ land fill or at ~ome other site to make it mo~ a~sible to the public and[or to provide <br />opportunity for developing a compile ~rap m~al collec~on program. The metals should b~ fre~ of dict, wood, and other <br /> <br />Ma ny scrap d eaiera will not accept white goods unless the motors and capacitors have been removed. The motors contain me- <br />tals which create a less desirable product when shredded with the appliance. Shredding the appliance allows for the removal of <br />the non- metal coraponents such as plastic and rubber. This rrmte, rial is referzed to as white goods ~fluff.' There is a pot,mtial <br />for some capacitorr, to contain PCBs whlch would contaminate the fluff'. <br /> <br />PCBs <br />E.P.A~studiesindica~e~h~nlyafewsn~caPaci~rsmanuf~cturedbe~ore~9~9c~ntainPCBc~ntaminated~i~. Thez~ is <br />no evidence that F-CB small capacitors were used in household clothes washers, clothes dryers, hm water hemers, garbage djs- <br />POsels, trash compactors, conventional mens, ranges, or stoves. A limited number of redrlgeratora and fi'ee,.zers possibly con- <br />tatn PCB small capacitors. Air conditioners, heat pumps, fomace blowers, fluoi'escent lighting ballasts, and rate,wave ovens <br />manufactured prior to 1979 do ha..'~ a s~gnificant chance of. containing PCB sraall cepacitors. These PCB capacitors should be <br />disix~ed in a lined landfill. <br /> <br />INITIATING A PROGRAM <br />Communication is the key in initiating a pro,ss to develop a white goods and metal recovery p~x)~'a m. Discussions should <br />inVolve local and re~onal gove..m-,m~mt al units, ~-,cycling coortitn~tors, interested citizens, scrap metal do]ers and other con- <br />cerned parties. Scrap metal dealees ere vlt~l to the discussion as they no~ only are the ra~rket but may alff. a dy have a collection <br />and transportation sy~'r_,n in place that w~l accommoclate needs. For additional inform.~tion and assistance, p]e. ase contact the <br />waste n'mragement specialist/or your area, the Solid Wa ste .~e~Jon or the Office of ~este Reductlon. <br /> <br /> <br />