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FY91 <br /> <br /> Agreement to Provid~ <br /> <br /> Professlonnl Accounting S~rvlc~s to <br /> <br /> Cabarrus County, North Carolina <br /> <br /> THIS AGRI~I~NT, entered into this day of ,1991 and effective <br />immediately by and between David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. (hereinafter called the <br />"Consultant") and Cabarrus County, State of North Carolina (hereinafter called the "Coun- <br />ty"), WI'I'h~..KS ETH TI-IAT: <br /> WI'iERF__.AS, the County has programs which it operales with Federal funding, and <br /> WI-]~, the County supports these programs with support services paid from <br />County appropriated funds, and <br /> ~, the Federal government and the State will pay a fair share of these <br />costs if supported by an approved cost allocation plan, and <br /> WHEREAS, the Consultant is staffed with personnel knowledgeable and experi- <br />enced in the requirements of developing and negotiating such governmental cost allocation <br />pl~ns~ and <br /> WI-1F_REA~, the County desires to engage the Consultant to assist in developing a <br />plan which conforms to Federal requirements and 4411 be approved by their representatives <br /> NOW THIZREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: <br /> <br /> 1. Employment of Consultant. The County agrees m engage the Consultant and the <br />Consultant hereby agrees to perform the following services. <br /> <br /> 2. Scope of Sendces. The Consultant shall do, perform and carD, out in a good and <br />professional manner the following services: <br /> <br /> a. Development of a central services cost allocation plan which identifies the <br /> various costs incurred by the County to support and administer Federal <br /> programs. This plan will contain a determination of the allowable costs of <br /> providing each supporting service such as purchasing, legal counsel, dis- <br /> bursement processing, etc. <br /> <br /> b. Prepare indirec~ cost proposals for federal grants as necessary. <br /> <br /> c. Negotiation of the completed cost allocation plan with the representatives of <br /> the State or Federal government, whichever is applicable. <br /> <br /> <br />