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REDISTRIct'lNG COMIVIIi-i-~;E MEETINGS FOR THE <br /> SUBMISSION OF REDISTRIc-rlNG PLANS BY THE PUBLIC <br /> <br /> The North Carolina General Asscmbly's Redistricting Committees will conduct open <br /> m~tings to allow members of the public to submit redistricting plans to the Committees <br /> for their consideration. The meetings will be held at the Slate Legislative Building in <br /> P~eigh, North Carolina, as follows: <br /> <br /> MAY 14, 1~}91 Senate Subcommittee on Legislative Redistricting <br /> 4:30 p~m. will accept redistricting plans affecting State <br /> Room 1027 Senate districts. <br /> <br /> MAY IS, 1991 Senate on Congressional Redistricting <br /> Subcommittee <br /> 12:00 noon and House Committe* on Congressional Redistricting <br /> Room 1228 will accept redistricting plans affecting North Carolina's <br /> congressional districts. <br /> <br /> MAY 12, 1991 House Committee on Legislative and Local <br /> 12:00 noon <br /> Redistricting will accept redistricting plans <br /> Room 1228 affecting State House of Repre.~entatives districts. <br /> <br /> A plan may be submitted for the entire Stat, or for one or more districts. Each plan <br />submitted must be drawn on legible 1990 census maps or have a heimrchiml listing of <br />the counties, precincts, census block~, etc. in each district. This will allow the Oeneral <br />Assembly's staff to statistimlly analyze each plan. <br /> <br /> The purpose of the he.~tring is for the submission of Plans only. Each per, on <br /> a plan address thc Committee for no more than 5 minutes about the <br />presenting <br /> may <br />plan. Since previous public hearings have been held for public comments on <br />redistricting generally, only persons presenting redistricting plans may address the <br />Committee. <br /> <br /> After May 6th, census data and maps will I~ available for purch~e from th~ General <br />Assembly. In addition, there will be specified times during which the public c~n have <br />access to tho General .~semb¥$ redistricting computer system. Plea.~e contact Mr. <br />Glenn Newldrk of th, Legislative Automated Systems Division at {919) 733-6834 for <br />additional information concerning the use of the redislricting computer system and the <br />purch~e of census d~ta and meps. <br /> <br /> Persons wishing lo submit plans to the Redistricting Committees are encouraged to <br />contact the appropriate individual(s) Ii,ted below at (919) ?33-25?8 prior to the public <br />he,'lng d~te: <br /> <br /> State Senate redistricting plan~ Mr. Giles Perr~ <br /> Congressional redistricting plans Mr. Terrence Sullivan <br /> Mr. Bill Gilkeson <br /> <br /> Slate House redisu'icting plans Mr. Linwood Jones <br /> <br /> <br />