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(z) Repair means york involved in deepening or changing <br />depths, reaming, sealing, installing, perforating, screening or <br />cleaning, ecidizing or redeveloping a vell excavation of any Other york <br />vhich results in breaking or opening the well seal. <br /> (sa) UnconSolidated Rock Formation means those rock formations <br />thac are not solids i.e., sand, clay, shell, saprolite o~ decaying rock. <br /> (bb) Water Supply means any source of groundwater. <br /> (cc) Water Supply System means pump and pipe used in <br /> connection vlth or pertaining to the operation of a water supply, <br /> including pumps, pipes, pressure tanks, and fittings. <br /> (dd) -Well means any excavation (1) that is cored, bored, <br />drilled, dug or otherwise constructed for the purpose of locating, <br />casting or Vithdrawin~ ground water; (2) constructed for evaluating, <br />testln~, developing, draining, or recharging any ground <br />water-reservoirs, or aquifers, or, (3) that may control, divert or <br />othervise cause the movement of water from or ln£o any aquifer. <br /> (ee) Well Capacity means the maximum quantity of vater that a <br />well vlll yield continuously. <br /> <br />person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of constructing <br />wells. <br /> (gg) Well head means the upper terminal of the veil including <br />adapters, ports, valves, seals, or other attachments. <br /> (hh) Well seal means an approved arrangement or device used to <br />cap a yell or to establish and maintain a Junction betveen the basing or <br />curbins of a well and the piping or equipment installed therein, the <br />purpose or fu~ction of ~hicb is tO prevene pollutants or contaminants <br />from ~ntering the well at the upper terminal. <br /> <br />SectlonllI DRILLERREGISTRATION <br /> (a) Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business <br />of using power machinery to drill, bore, core or construct wells in <br />Cabarr~a County shall register annually vith th~ Health Director. <br /> (b) Registration shall be accomplished during the period from <br />January 1 co January 31 of each year or prior to receiving a permit. <br /> (c) Re~tstration shall be accomplished by completing and <br />submitting to thc health department a registration application form <br />provlded by the health department for this purpose. <br /> <br /> the applicant will be issued a certificate of registration. <br /> <br /> (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to construct a veil <br />in Cabarrus County ~rlthout first obtaining a permit from the Health <br />Director. lc shall be unlavful to repair an axis,ing vel1, where the <br />w~ll head terminates below the ground surface, vtthout first obtaintn$ a <br />repair permit from the Bealth Director. The permit shall be obtained by <br />the veil o~ner or hie authorized agent. Permits shall become invalid <br />after cvelve months from the date of issue ti the construction has not <br />been completed during thac time period. Vhen a permit has become <br />invalid, the Installation shall not be co~nenced or co.plated until a <br />new per~tc has been obtained. The Cabarrus County Health Director shall <br />issue a veil construction permit only after he/she has determined that <br />the vail ~ay be ins~alled to meat the provisions of these regulations. <br /> <br /> <br />