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Dear(Name): <br /> <br /> For several months, the Cabarrtts County Board of Commi.~iuners has studied thc czcatiun Of a water <br />district to serve property owned by you. I have attached a map depicting the location of tho proposed dis~c[ <br />boundaries. Essentially, properiica along thc .lira $ossamun Road and thc Troutman Road will be sen'ed. <br /> <br /> Thc projer, l as proposed ~iil ex~und appro.'dmatcly seven miles of ,~-atcr lines which will serve 128 <br />property owners at an estimalcd cost of S~$1~90.00. ResldcnLs from tho area have petitiuned thc County <br />Commk~oners to in'cate a tax district in which property owllers will bo taxed [o cover the cost of the project. <br />The Board has agr e. ed in principle to contribute $165,417.00,30 percent of the consUuc6on coit, towards the co~t <br />of the project. Property owners will then be requl~ed to pay thc rem~inlng cost of ~35.5,973.00 over a leu-year <br /> <br /> H thc lax dlilrict is approval by thc Board of County Commlsiioner% the required tax rate nescisary <br />to retire your po~'iioo of thc project cost over a tun-year period will bc 78 7/10c for every $100.00 of valuation. <br />Your property has a L091 value of $(lax value). Consequently, your annual tax bill will increase $(emount of <br />increase) for thc next ten years just to pay for your share of the cost of thc water llnc. <br /> <br /> I[ should be noted that a $75.00 dcposlt wlil be rcqulred before so,cc will bc made available. However, <br />the tap fcc of $$50.00 wlgch is normally paid when a request for servlcc is rcccb,,ed has bccn incorporated as a <br />part of the project's co~L <br /> <br /> We have confu'med that the availability of water service in your area will result in a substantial savings <br />for ~'e in~urance~ as much as $116.00 a year for a .~0,000.00 home, 25 parccnt of thc annual tax rexluired per <br />year to receive water sera'icc from the County. I would hasten to add that cunversloo to County water from a <br />ptlvatc well will generate a savings in your clcclric bill since no pump viii be rcqulred. Final]y, since repayment <br />will bc in the form of a tax, it qualifies for a tax deduction. Repayment through )'our monthly water bill would <br />not qualify for a tax deduction. <br /> <br /> The Board of Commissioners has not yet decided whether to establish the lax district and would like <br />to ]mow how you fecl about it, especially in light of the information which has been prcaented in th~ letter. 1 <br />have enclosed a scl/-addressed postcard on which you can share your opinion about the projcci with us. Please <br />return it ~ soon as pos~'ble~ <br /> <br /> If you have any further questions, or dcslrc additional information, please do not hesitate Io contact Mr. <br />Hcury Waldroup, Utilities Ditcher, at 781~,-8164. <br /> <br /> I appreciate your intcrcs~ and look forw~d to hearing from you. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> <br /> Michael M. RutTm <br /> County Manager <br /> <br />Endosur¢ <br /> <br />(ABOV~ Lt~IIP..R AND A'~FA~v'iF.D POST CARD ]~%ILED TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS IN <br /> <br /> <br />