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§ 105-294. Count.,,' assessor. <br />· (a) Apr, ointment. -- Persons occupving the position of county <br />sessor o~' July 1, 19S3, shall con:inu~ in office until the first Mon- <br />day in July, 19~,3. At i~s first regular meeting in July, 19~, and <br />even, two ~'eari or four x'ears thereafter, as a~vropria{e, lhe <br />of cdunrv ~ommi!sioner~ of each county shall'gppoint a county <br />ses~or Id serve a te~ of not ]es~ :h~n t~'o nor more than four year~; <br />provided, however, that no person shall be eli~ble for initial ap- <br />~intment to a te~ of more than two years unless such,person is <br />deemed to be qualified ~ provided in ~ub~ection ~bl of th~s s~tio~ <br />or has been certified by ~he Depa~ment of Revenue as provided in <br />subsection {c] of this ~ection. The bo~rd of commissioners may re- <br />move the a~sessor from office during his 1erm for g~d cause after <br />giving him notice in ~ing and an OOOO~Unitv tO apoe~r and be <br />~ear~at a public session of the boar&'(Vhener~r a vadancv occurs <br />in t~s office, ~he board of coumv commissioners sh~ll a~ooint a <br />qualified ~rson to serve as coudty ~ses~or for ~he ~ri~ of xhe <br />unexoired term. <br /> {b)' Person~ who held :~e oo~ifion of as~essor on July 1, 1971, and <br />continue to hold the po~i~idn, and persons who have been codified <br />for ap~intment as assessor bv the Deoartment of Revenue between <br />July 1, 1971, and July 1. lg~3, ~re d~emed to be qualified to serve <br /> as county assessor. Any c.:her per, on selected to se~-e ~s county <br /> assessor must meet ~h~ following requirement: ' <br /> (1) Be at le~t gl ye~ of are as of xhe date of appoinzment; <br /> (2) Hold a high ~cboo] diploma or cerzificate of equivalency, or <br /> in the alternaz~ve, have five years employment experience <br /> in a vocation which ~ re~sonabIy related to ~he ~cties ora <br /> county <br /> (3} Within zwo year~ of the date of appointment, achieve a <br /> pa~sing score ~n cc. urse~ of in~mcfion approved bY xhe <br /> panmem of Revt~e tm'orang ~he fo]lmving to~ics: <br /> z. ~e laws of No~h Car&ina governing lhe ii,ting, a~ <br /> praisa], a~d a~sessment of prope~y for taxation; <br /> b. The ~heo~ and vraaice of esximating ~he fair market <br /> value o~real dro~nv for ad valorem t~x pu~se~; <br /> c. ~e ~heo~, and'prac~ide of estimating the fair market <br /> ~'a]ue of t~ng~]e anti ~man~ble pey~ona] property for <br /> ~d valorem :ax purposes; and <br /> d. Proper~y a~e~ment administration. <br /> f4) Upon comp]etlon & the required four courses: ~chieve a <br /> <br /> lc) Cenificalion. ~ Per~c,r,s meeiing all of ~he requiremems of <br />~his section shal) be ctnifi~d by ~be Department of Revenue. From <br />lhe ~ale of ap~in~ment ~n;il ~he da~e of certification, persons ~ <br />~in~d ~ se~'e a~ coumy ~i~es~or are deemed ~o be se~'ing in an <br />aaing capacity. Any ~rson who fails Io quali~, wilhin txvo years <br />afar ~e date of initial appointment !hall not ~ eligible for re~k <br />~in~eni ~mil all of ~he requiremenls ~ax'e ~en <br /> id) In osier lo relain ~he ~)hion of ~un;v alre~or, eve..person <br />~enSng as county as~e~or. ~ncIuiing ~hos~ ~r~ns aeem~t~o ~ <br />qu~Iifiea under ~e provi~i°n~ of~blr ~ct, ~b~]], in each ~ri~ of 24 <br />monlbs, altend at least 30 hour~ ofinsl~aion in lbo apprai~l or <br />assessment of property as provided in re~l~ions of the Depa~- <br /> <br />(e) The com~nsMion and expenses of :he county a~es~r sha~l <br />be de~ined by the ~erd of county commissioners. <br /> gD .&l~alh'e to ~epar~e office of county z~e~r. ~ Pursuant <br />lo A~ [Anic}e] V], Sec~ion 9 of ~he Nonh'Caro]ina Con~xilu~ion, <br />~he office ofcoumy a~se~sor is hereby declared ~o ~ an office that <br />may ~ hel~ con~ently with any other ap~intiv, or elective <br />office except that of member of the ~ard of county commi~ioners. <br />~1939, c. ~10, s~. 400, 401; ~953, r. 970. ss. ~. 2; f971, c. 8~. s. ~; <br />]973, c. 476, s. ]93; 19~, c. 813, s. ~; 1987, c. 45. ~. 1, 2.~ <br /> <br /> <br />