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AGENC'~ ~ Property }Iaintenance ACCOOt~ ~ 81-20 <br />._ ~visions a~e ~reby ze~est~ ~ the followl~ s~cifiea ~9ets and line it,s!' ' <br /> <br /> ~ Line lt~ ~esent <br /> -- decant ~r ~scrlptton Approved Increase ~cr~ase Budget <br /> 11-20-101 Salaries and ~es 78,330.66 2,900.00 75,630.66 <br /> ~ 1-20- lO1 FiCA 6 ~ 255.7~ 866. O0 5 ~ 391.74 <br /> 81-20-202 ~dicare -0- 632.00 ~32.00 <br /> 11-20'230 gorkmen' s Compensatien 980.00 218.00 1~198.00 <br /> 11-20-3~5 AutomOtive Supplies 6,000.00 : 1,800.00 5,800.00 <br /> 81-20-355 Other Operation Cost 9,000.00 <br /> il-20-4~5 Purchased Services ~3~7.79 597.00 3,80D. 79 <br /> il-20-640 Insurance & Bonds 2,365.00 462.00 1,883.00 <br /> <br /> Ia re-adJ~ budget expenditures according to projected and actual line items. <br /> <br /> <br />