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ARTICLE 1 TITLE, PURPOSE, AUTHORITY, AND COMPLIANCE <br /> SECTION ].! TITLE <br /> <br />This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as lhe Cabal. Pus County <br />Subdivision Regulalions, and may be referred as the Subdivision Regulalions or <br />Ordinance. <br /> <br /> SECTION 1.2 P~RPOSE <br /> <br />The procedu~'es and s~andards fo~ 1he deve]opmenl and subdivision of real <br />pPoperly fop residential, fnduslrial, inslitutional, oP commercial purposes and th~ <br />su~veyh%$ and plalling lhe~eof, as adopted and prescribed in th~$ Ordhlance, <br />a~e hereby found by 1he Board of Commissione~,s of CabBrrus County ~o be <br />nocessaPy and approprJale in ordeP Io partially JmpJemenl IbC Counlv's <br />Comln'ehens~ve hind Use Plan. ]n doin~ so, these re~la%~o~ls shall: <br /> <br />l) aid in promoting th~ orderly development of the County and safe.etd <br />condh~ons essenlJal lo public heahh, safely, and ~he general welfare; <br /> <br />2) provide space fo~ safe and sanitary dwellin~ accommodations within Cabarrus <br />Counly; <br /> <br />3) fha evenlual e~imb~alfon of unsafe and unsanflary condhlons ~rfsh)g <br /> pPomole <br />from lhe overcrowdh~ and conceRlral]ol~ of popu]al]on, impropeP plannb~g, ]ack <br />of proper ligh[, air and sp~ce, unsafe o~ unsauitury design and arrangements, <br />lack of sanitat'y facilities, and existence of condi%ions which end~%n~er life o~ <br />property by fi~e o~ othe= c~uses; <br /> <br />4) provide fo~ suitable neighboH~oods with ~dequate streets, utiihies and <br />app~priate buildln~ sites; <br /> <br />5) save unnecessary expenditures of public funds by reservfn~ space for public <br />lands and buildings h~c]udin~ the dedication o~ reservation of recreation areas <br />and school sites, oP fees in lieu of, to serve residents of the hnmediate <br />neighbor.hood within the subdivision and to provide sufficient streuts with <br />~dequ~le width Bnd with proper alignment and grade for the coordiuation of <br />utilities, planned streets and highways and olber public ~aeilJlies; and <br /> <br />6) provide p~per land records for the convenience of the public and fo~ better <br />identification and location of real boundaries. <br /> permanent <br /> p~operly <br /> <br /> SECTION l.~ AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION <br /> <br />This ordinance ls adopted unde~ the authority of Chapte~ 153A, Article 1~, Pa~t <br />2 of the General $Iatutes of North Ca.line, On and after the date of adoption, <br />these radiations shall ~overn each and every subdivision of land within <br />Cabar~us County and oulside lhe ~urisdietion of any iueorporaled municipality. <br />However, Ibls ordinance may also re~lale territory witllin the subdjv~slon <br />~e~lation lu~.isdiction of any municipality whose Eove~n~ body by resolution <br />e~ees to such ~lalton p~vided, however, that any such ~ove~ning body <br />may, upon six months written notice, wlthd~w its flpp~oval ~ these County <br /> <br /> <br />