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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS <br /> <br /> Cabarrus County Transportation Scn'ices (CCI'S) is .~cldng bids for thc opcratlon and <br />managcmcm of its t~ansponation program. The system serves several County human servlcc agencies. <br />cunently using nine vehicles. Planned expansion over the next two ycaxs could increase thc fleet by as <br />many as t~n vehicles. <br /> <br /> Proposals must be clcariy marked 'Cabarros County Transponatlon Scrviccs RFP" and sent to: <br />Ftexl Ftavel, Eco~omet~cs, Incorpo,'-atcd, 4715 Corde~l Avenue, Bethcsda, Maryland 20514-3016. <br /> <br /> All proposc~ are notified that D~sadv~ntagcd Business Entcrprises are encouraged lo submit <br />responses t~ this requcst. Cabarrus County ensures that respondents ~ this request will not be <br />dlscriminau:d against ba.~d on sex, race, color, c~r~d, or national origin in consideration of an award. <br />Addldonal copies of thc Request .for Proposal packagcs are available by contacting Fred Fmvel at (301) <br />652-2414. Cabs'ms Count~ retains thc right ~ reject any or all proposals, and to withdraw <br />solicitation at any time. <br /> <br /> A Trar~ponation l~vclopmcnt Plan for Caban'us County is ~r~ntiy being dcvelop~.d by the <br />planning and management consulting finn of E~o~mctrics, l~corporat~d. Th~s study is in its Iinzl stages <br />with inventory and nct3s as~ssment tasks completed. This RFP is being is.~ucd concun'enLly with the <br />Consultant's work on other service and management options available to Cabarrus Coun.ty, including <br />county management or' thc system. An}' pmposa] submitted pursuant m this RFP will be evaluated against <br />the fully allocalcd costs as well as the advantages and dlsadvantagcs of other management aspccts of these <br />alttmatives as idcnti{icd by the Con~ultanL Consistent with NCDOT planning guid¢llncs, the 'i'DP <br />consultant is as.~ls~ing CabarnJs County in thc conduct of this pn)curcmenL As the planning con~ltant, <br />Ecosome~cs, Incorgorat~l .shal] not have any imcresb direct or oth~r'a-i.~e, arising from this solicitation. <br />The finn shat] not be lxnnincd to submit a bid on bhJs projecL <br /> <br /> The deaxlline for submission of preposals is ~:00 p.m. on July 3. 1991. An original ~d four <br />coplcs of the pmpos'~l are requcslcd. <br /> <br /> <br />