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HORTll CAflOLIIIA STATE IIEPARTHEItT OF TflAHSI~ORTATI~'N /~' J ~ ~ <br /> <br /> IIorth Carollna~ / ,ILIL ~. <br /> PettLion request for (check one) Addition to State' SysteHt (~ DISTRICT <br /> Haintenance ImFroVen~ent ( ) " <br /> <br /> tl~e qnderslgned, 6~ng ~11~or the property o~ne~s on <br /> <br /> nal~ or Secondary Road f~t~er) in ~ Co~Jnty d~.¥reby <br /> tHv~s~on of lligh~ays of the 0epartment or Transportation to ~ ~ ~{b~ <br /> the above descYtbed road. <br /> <br /> t~ length and at the present L~me theYe a~e ~ occupied homes located on <br /> the road a,d haviog euLrances into the road. <br /> <br /> ~tua~ly, ~e agree to ~ed~cate to the Division of Ilighways a right-of-way <br /> stxLy (60) reel ~n width extending the entire length of the road that ~s requested <br /> to be tmprove~l along with the ,ecessary areas for cLJt and Et11 slopes and ~rainage. <br /> Also, ~e agree to dedicate additional r~ght-of-~ay ~n the public Yoad h~tersectlons <br /> rot stght distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement <br /> forays Il)at ~vill he siJhmitted to IJs b~ representatives of the ~v~sion or <br /> In order that the [)ivis~on or Ili~h~ays fulfill the re~uireme, ts or Chapter <br /> 1959 Session or the Gene)-al Asse])~J~ of HorLh Carolina. <br /> <br /> REI'~RKS <br /> <br /> T~vO cop{es or recorded subdivision plat enclosed ir <br /> <br /> PROPER~Y OWNERS <br /> AOORESS <br /> <br />The Division of Iitgh~eys should contact the first petitioner listed below: <br /> <br />IIevlsed fond Sfl-1 {6-~0) All ~revious total obsolete <br /> <br /> <br />