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Transportalion .~,d,'i~rv Com'milfee <br /> <br /> The Transportation Adx, isoD, Comminee ',~'ould be appointed by the County Commissioners and <br />would be responsible for recommending policy guidance for the s)'slem and ~commendlng actions for <br />the Commissioners. The Transportation ot~d~,isory Comminee is proposed to be approximately equivalent <br />to the current Cabarru~ Courtly Transportation Ad~'isor)' Comminee (C'C'rAC), with Ad~,isory CommJnte <br />members representing the County, users, and the various human sen'ice organizations participating in the <br />system. A representatix'e of the prix, ate prox'iden should also be included, ff one of the Adx, isory <br />Committee membe~ became an operational arm, its representatix, e could no longer be on the Commiute <br />because of the potential conflict of inte~st inherent in such a siluation. Similarly, any potential pm~,ider <br />on the Advisor), Commi~lee would ha's,e an Jnherenl con.nJct of inreresl, and x,,'ould has'e t~ ~-esign as soon <br />as the decision to bid v~,as made by that prox'ider. A conflict of inte~st s'~temen! should be included in <br />the by-laws. <br /> <br /> Cabarrus County, through its Transportation Adx,isory Committee, Planning Department, and <br />Commissioners would be responsible for the following: <br /> <br /> 1. To esl,~btish a coordinated transportation system for Cal~arrus County. .,t <br /> <br /> 2. To coordinate transpona~inn serx, ice$ to meet the mobility ne~s of the citizens of <br /> Cabarms Co~*nty, including human sen,ice agency transportation. <br /> <br /> 3. To pmx, ide for the direct provision of transportation sera, ices for the citlz~ns of Cabarms <br /> County, including peru')ns ~r,,ed by the human sen, ice agencies. <br /> <br /> 4. To prepare grant applications for funding from the North Casollna DeparU~ent of <br /> Tran~porUllon as well as other sour~s, for any needed adminlstr,~tix,e, capi~, or <br /> operating purpost. <br /> <br /> 5. To implement ~11 the responsibilities of the Cabarrus County Transporlation Development <br /> Plan of 1991, as may be amended. <br /> <br /> -74- <br /> <br /> <br />