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NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF <br /> COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />! ~'..V!~''''~. '-~? ALBERT COATES LOCAL GOVERNMEh.~ CENiER o 215 NORTH DA~,~,SON STREET o p. O. BOX14~ <br />~*--'~ RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA 27~02-148S. TELEPHONE 919/~32-2S93 * FAX 919,~32-~O21 <br /> <br /> August 28, 1991 <br /> gU~ 2 ~ 199~ <br /> Mr. Bill Simmons <br /> Caban'u$ County Commissioner ..... <br /> 1520 Hanson Lane <br /> Concord NC 28025 <br /> <br /> Dear Mr. Simmons: <br /> <br /> In March, we wrote to you to tell you about a new effort Io ensure that the next geoc~arion of kids will <br /> know about local government in your county, and to ask for your county's support 1o make that hapl~n. <br /> Thus far, we haven't heard from you and arc concerned that our initial mailing was lost or misplaced. <br /> On that chance, ,,v¢ have enclosed another copy of thc pledge form and ask you to consider our request. <br /> <br /> We hav~ learned that very little information on local government is taught in our schools' civics <br /> In fact, it's not even called civics anymore. Today, students in the ninth grade arc enrolled in a class <br /> called "Economics, Legal and Political" studies. Local government is part of this curriculum, but an <br /> increasingly smaller part. Thc N.C. City-County Management ^.~ociadon, th~ N.C. Association of <br /> Co.unty Commi~sionem and the N.C. League of Munidpalitics arc working hard to make local government <br /> an ~mportant part of the ELP curriculum. <br /> <br /> an expensive project. Thc wf6ng and ptindn§ of a student textbook will cost more than <br /> However, <br /> is <br /> $330,000. While we are making every effort to §et foundation support for this effort, wc al~ have asked <br /> counties and citieS/towns to conl~butc five cents per capita. Counties and towns of all sizes have <br /> responded to this Thus far, more than S127,000 has been collected <br /> pled§cd <br /> two <br /> fiscal years. Your county's share, based on the formula, is 'g/~ ~ ~'~, , which can be paid in 1991 <br /> 92 or split between thc next two fiscal years. <br /> <br /> An introducto~, video has alrcady been produced and distributed to all schools with a ninth grade. <br /> However, we also hope to have ample funds to do a second video to accompany the Icxlbook, which will <br /> offer role playin§ and other activities for students to learn more about local govermncnl. <br /> <br /> Please consider this information and Ici us hear from you by the end of September. <br /> <br /> Sincerely, <br /> <br /> ,ycock E. Whitchurst <br /> Executive Dircclor 2nd Vice President <br /> N.C. Assoc. of County Commissioocrs N.C. City-County Nlanagcmcnt Association <br /> <br /> ¢¢: County ana§¢rs <br /> <br /> <br />