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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br />COUNTY OF CABARRUS <br /> <br /> CONTRACT <br /> <br /> THIS AG~EE~NT, made and entered by and between Cabarrus County, hereinafter <br /> referred to as 'COb~TY', and LU~ERA}~ FAH~ILY SERVICES IN NORTH CAROLINA, INC., <br /> hereinafter referred to as "LUTHERA~ SERVICES" is effective from July 1, 1991 through <br /> June 30, 1992. <br /> <br /> ~ITNESSETH <br /> <br /> ~E~S, ~e County, ~hrough irs Deparcmenc o~ Social Se~ices hereinafter <br /> referred to as '~SS', is in need of emergency homes ro receive children placed in the <br /> custody of DSS by the Courts, voluntary placements, or otherwise; and <br /> <br /> ~ER~S, Lutheran Services has agreed ~o establish one (1) emergency <br /> <br /> ~E~S, Lutheran Semites has had considerable expe~ie~ce tn caring fo~ <br />children and is licensed by the S~ace of North Carolina to operate and maintain the <br />emergency recei~in~ home contemplated by this contract. <br /> <br /> ~0~, ~E~O~ in consider~tion of the premises and ~he s~ ~o be paid by <br />~he County to Lutheran Servicts, the Lutheran Semites does hereby contract ~ith the <br />County to provide se~ices of the ~ype hereinafter flescribed and upon the <br />te~s and co~ditio~s: <br /> <br /> 1. Lu~hera~ Semites shall alintain one azound-th~-clock eme~genc~ ho~e <br />Concord, ~orth Carolina for ~he sole and exclusive use of D$~. ~e home ~hall <br />adequate care and supervision for no~ ~ore than five (5) children at all ~es, and <br />DSS may place such children in the home as DSS, i~ its sole disc~etlon, dee~ <br />advisable. <br /> <br /> 2. Lutheran Semites shall provide roo~ board, adequate house pa~ent <br />staff supe~ision, routine school supplies, anO allowances for chilflren placed in the <br />~ome. Lutheran Semites shall provide ~ransportatfon for each child to and from <br />school. <br /> <br /> 3. Lutheran Family Semites ~ill provide on a :~ely basis budget <br /> <br /> the County; proposed yearly budget by January 22~ 1992~ budget ~en~ent by J~e <br /> 1992, and final accounting report by July 20, 1992. <br /> <br /> I. ~he C~unty shall pay Co Lutheran Services ~he s~ of $12,0~7.09 per <br />month to maintain said ho~e~ to ~rovige food, shelter~ and semites herein <br />contemplated. ~he County ~ill provide clothing as dete~ined by DSS. <br /> <br /> ~. ~e County through DSS ~ill sign the admission agreement at the <br />of placement of a child. <br /> <br /> 6. The County shall be responsible for the pa~e~t of any medical expenses <br />incurred by any child placed in the home othe~ than routine first aid adm~nistered <br />the emersency h~e; provided, Lutheran Semites may authorize emergency medical <br />trea~ent licensed sh~ld circu~ances Re~bursement for <br /> by <br /> physicians <br />medical semites are l~ited to ~edicaid coverage only. <br /> <br /> ~. ~e County a~rees that it ~ill not r~quest Lutheran St~ices to <br />any one child in the ~mer~ency recei~i~t h~e for a period ~ excess of 90 days, <br />b~i~ contemplated by Both parties that th~ child ~11 be ~e~ed f~ the <br />facility Is soon is a pl~ for lont range placement of the child has be~n developed. <br /> <br /> 8. ~e County through DSS shill have the rliht to inspect the pre~ses <br />the h~e at any reesonable ho~r in otter to ascertain that the children placed in the <br />Kroup home a~e ~eceiv~ adequate care; and Lutheran Semites aKrees' to secure and <br />ua~tain all licenses necessa~ to operate the Iicilit~ to notify agency <br />t~ediately ~pon the loss of an~ required license or provisional license status. <br /> <br /> <br />