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IN'I'ER.LOCAL COOPEKATION AGP~EMENT <br /> CKEATI~G ~ <br /> CAROLINAS TKANSPORTATION COMPACT <br /> <br /> This Agr~emcnt made and entered into rigs . day of , <br />19 . by and between thc COIo~rI'Y OF ANSON. a politic, a] subdivision of thc <br />Slate of North Carolina; the COUNr'rY OF CABARRUS, a political subdivision of the <br />state of North Cawlina; thc COD.'NTY OF CATAWBA, a politi:a] subdivision of the Sm~e <br />of North Carolina; thc COUN-I'Y OF CI FVELAND, a political subdivision of Ibc $~ate of <br />North Cam]ina; the COb,'NI'Y OF GA$'I'ON, a political suMivision of the S~atc of North <br />Carolina; the COUNTY OF IREDELL, a political subdivision of the State of North <br />Carolina; the COUNTY OF LLNCOLN, a political subdivision of the S~me of North <br />Carolina; the COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG, a political subdivision of the Slate of <br />Nonh Carolina; thc CouNrY OF ROWAN, a political subdivision of the Slate of North <br />Carolina; the COUNTY OF $'I'ANLY, a political subdivision of the State of North <br />Carolina; the COU."~I'Y OF UN*ION, a political subdivision of thc State of North Carolina; <br />the COUNTY OF LANCASTER, a political subdivision of the Slate of South Carolina; <br />and the COL"~I'Y OF YORK, a political subdivision of the State of South Carolina. <br /> <br /> The following Agreement is hereby adopted for the esiablls}unenl of a regional <br />Compact and for the joint exercise of certain powers, functions, rights, privileges and <br />immunities of local government by and through the regional Cornpaa and its member <br />govemmemal units, all In the ex'lcr~t and in the manner authorized or penn~tled by Article <br />20 of Chapter 160A of thc General Statutes of North Carolina entitled 'lmer]oca] <br />Cooperation' and to the exlent permlned by the laws of the Slate of South Carolina. <br /> <br /> IArlTNESSETH: <br /> <br />sl~ci'loN I. POl_~CY <br /> <br />The Governing Bodies, as panics to this Agreement, hereby find apd declare tha~ <br />inte£lo_ca] coopeFafi~n for compre]}eq}ive and coordlnaled olaqr~in,u' and ~lan <br />imv]emenlafion is a necessitY:, a) for the coordinated growth and developmcnl of <br />regional transportation facilities; and b) lo establish a regional tranzpor,.fion planning <br />process and policy fram~'ork through which effoAs may be made In acquire federal, slate, <br />and local ~'esources for p]an~ing, cnnslmclinE, operating and mainlalning adequate <br />regional tra~porlafion facilities thal enhance the quality of life in each counly and the <br />· c,o-omic oppormnlty of the r~gion. <br /> <br />The Governing Bodies recosnlze that regional transportation facililies ph~nlng and its <br />implemenlafinn are vi~al lo ',he public imcres~. Therefore, '~,'ithoul limifi,ug the <br />of the foregoing, il is found that the planning of regional transponalion mod~:s, the <br />formulation of development goals and objectives for ~ha region, of plans to <br />implemcnl the goals and objectives, and the development of means by ,~'hich to change <br />and improve Iranspoflalion-rclated allocations to thc region to aid in the formulation of <br /> <br /> <br />