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3.71.$ Review and aT a rc~mJar meeting, <br /> cornmcm, <br /> on <br /> regional <br /> IranSpoflarion facilities planning and irnplerneulaTion aclinns. <br /> Such comment and review shall be recorded in any <br /> ~:commefldation.s transmitted to the Governin~ Bodies. <br /> <br />3.71.9 In the furtherance of its functions, enter into and cany otit <br /> contracts v, ith the federal and stale governments or any agencies <br /> thereof, any local governrnen! and its agenc/es, or private <br /> panics, and may accepl, vcceSve and disbu~e any fun~, gra~ <br /> and services made available by The federal government and ils <br /> agencies, state governrnenls and Iheir agencies,any local <br /> governmenl and its aEenc/es, and any prix'are pan),. <br /> <br />3.71.10 With the concurrence of the. appropriaTely affected Governing <br /> Bodies To this Agreernenl, enter into and cato' out costracts vdth <br /> slate and federal governments or any agencies thereof under <br /> which Frnancial or other planning assistance is made available to <br /> the Governing Body, and may agree to and comply whh any <br /> re. asonable conditions thai are irnpnsed upon such assistance. <br /> <br />3.71.11 WiTh the concurrence of the appropriately affected Governing <br /> Bodies to this Agreement, enter into and carry out conTraas xx'ith <br /> any other city, county or regional council or planning agency <br /> under which it agrees to furnish Iransponation facilities <br /> planning and development assistance and Ese. arch. <br /> <br />3.71.12 Advise and cooperate with units of local government upon <br /> requesl or on its own iniTiaTive on any matter within the <br /> Compact's and duties. <br /> powerS_ <br /> <br />3.71.13 Make available advice on reports to slate and federal <br /> governments or other reiliona] body or any matter whhin :he <br /> Compact's power~ and duties. <br /> <br />3.71.14 Make prox~ision for members of the Compact to ser~,e on other <br /> appointive hoards or cornmissinns as ex officlq rnemher~ ef <br /> other bo/lies as may Ix: authorized by the Governing Bogies. <br /> <br />3.71.15 ltire staff and/or enter into contracts with other bodies or <br /> · enTilies To prox'lde administrative a_~sista.nce. <br /> <br />3.71.16 The Compact shah carry, out such powem ired duties as ma)' <br /> fzorn time-to-time be given or directed by th,' Governing <br /> Bogies. <br /> <br />~.71.17 Adopt Bylaws containing such r~lcs and rcgulatinns for the <br /> conduct of its bnsincss ~ it may dccrn ncces-'~ary for thc proper <br /> discharge of its dutias and thc performance of its run.ions, sot <br /> <br /> 6 <br /> <br /> <br />