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4.32 Com~nsation and <br /> <br />4.40 <br /> <br />In ce.n'ying out its admi~stmfive requirement, the Compact shall allow for the diverse <br />planning needs of the Governing Bodies represented. The Compact ~hall perform the <br />following administmriv, e duties: <br /> <br /> 4.41 Approval of the annual .work pro,ram submitted by the F.x¢cutive Director <br /> together with any additions, deletions or changes it deems appropriate. <br /> <br /> 4.42 Approval of the annual b.u. deel submitted by the Executive Direclor <br /> together with any additions, deletions or changes it deems appropriate. <br /> <br /> 4.43 Direct lhe oetformance of the ]E~eculive D r. eclor according to all the terms, <br /> conditions and limitations of this A~ecment. <br /> <br /> 4.44 Adopt rules of procedure for the conduct of its business in accordance with <br /> the powers and duties of this Agreement. <br /> <br /> 4.45 Adopt such .]~.]i¢ies with the advice of the l:xecutive I~reclor, as ma)' be <br /> necessmy to monitor, or 85ve direction for th~' can3'ing out of the approved <br /> work program or annual budget. <br /> <br />~.50 <br /> <br />Thc Compact shall own, and make provision for the di~poshion, if an>', of all pe~onal <br />prope~y required by the Compare. The Compact shall not have the authority to o'~'n re. al <br />pmporty. <br /> <br />SECTION V. GEN'ERA.L TE~MS OF AGRFFMV~NT <br /> <br />$.10 <br /> <br />This /~,greement may be amended from time-to-time upon mutual consent of the <br />Governing Bodies. <br /> <br />A party to this Agreement may terr0inale its pani6pafion in the terms and conditions of <br />this Agreement under ~be roi]owing procedure: <br /> <br /> $.3l Termination. This Agretment can on]y b~ renT, haled as of the beginning of <br /> a fiscal year. <br /> <br /> 5.32 ~gdg¢. Notice to lermina~e must be given in writing on or b~fov~ April 1 <br /> immediate]y prior to the proposed termination. <br /> <br /> 8 <br /> <br /> <br />