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UPON MOTION et Conml/sslon~r Moss, seconded by Commissioner tlnmby wtth <br /> ConuuLssLoners Moss, Ilnmhy, and MelvLn and ChaLrman LenEz voCLng Eot', cl~e llonrd <br /> <br /> ~ ACT TO P~I~IT TJi~ T~[NC OF FOXES ~N 5T~LY COUN~ <br /> <br /> ~s an open ~un~;on Eot cokln~ [oxes w~ch wenpon~ ~om Docemb~ L <br /> through January toE each yenc, <br /> Section ~. NoC~Lchscnnd/ng any ocher prov[s~on o~ ta~, there <br /> L~ an open senso~ Co~ taking ['oxes by c~epptnl: f~om January 2 <br /> <br /> craps ~eC on dry ~afld ~LCh ,~o~Ld anchor sha~ have ac ~uasc LhCUu <br /> <br /> and one-hnlC may he used. <br /> Section 3. A season bag iimLc of 20 applies tn th~ a~i~rei~ace <br /> Co ~ rexes ~nken durraB ~he ~enpons ned trnpp/ng ~uason.~ <br /> usCab~Lshed La chL~ ncC. <br /> SccCLo~ 4. The ~[[d~L~e Resources CommLss/on shn~[ i)~ovLde <br /> ~or the sale of foxes taken la~fuLly pursuant co chLs scc. <br /> Section 5. R~[~ a~t she1% epply only no Stanly gounty. <br /> Section fi. This ncc ~hn%l become ~ffecCLve upon passage, <br /> <br />ADOI'TE0 flY THE BOAgD OF COMMISSIOXi.iRS ON HOVi{HI{EB 20, 1989. <br /> <br /> ]lon~d members indicated they had rucelved numc, rou~ telepllonc. <br /> <br /> C{~barrus County. This mn~tcr will bu reviewed by thc lioard ac its first <br /> {nueLlllE ill dai~uary. <br /> <br /> DECEHU}{R 4, 19B9 <br /> <br /> Mr. Bryant Parnell introduced Mr. John Baker who demonstrated the use <br /> of fox :raps. Mr. Baker emphasized that ~he :raps were desi~ned ~o ca:ch <br /> and hold the animal ra~her than to hurt it. <br /> Ms. Donna Rogers, member of the Animal Protection Agency, opposed the <br /> use of steel leg traps, s:a~ing chey were cruel, inhumane, and a danger <br /> animals other than foxes. She asked for additional study to de~ermine <br /> extent of the fox problem in the county and the use of other mechods of <br /> <br /> Mr, Brady Black of Midland supported the use of :raps :o reduce the <br /> fox population. He complained of :he killing of chickens by foxes and <br /> cite4 cbc 4an~er of the spread of rabies. <br /> The ~oard deferred action un:il a later meeting when Co~issioner <br /> Melvin is present. <br /> <br /> January 2, 1990 <br /> <br /> <br />