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l'.'ocednres. As part of its assistance to local governments, tl~e Commission shall <br /> alU}rove and make available a model local waiel; supply watershed management and <br /> protection ordinance. Thc model management and proleelion ordiaanee ad0ptcd by <br /> the ('ommission shall, at a minimtnn, include as options ti) controlling developmenl <br /> den~i/y, (ii) providing for performance-based alternatives [o tlevelopment density <br /> conll'oJ5 which are based nc ~ottnd engineering.principles, and (iii) a combhlaiion-of <br /> both (Q and OiL Il shall be lhe responsihilily of local 8ovcrnments to admimslcr and <br /> enforce Ibc minimum management reqmrements. Every In,al government which has <br /> within its juri~dielion all or a portion of a wilier snpply watershed shall submit a local <br /> ~atcr sttpply watershed management anti prmeelion ordinance to the Commission For <br /> approval. This semion shall not be construed to affect the validily of any local <br /> ordinance prior to completion of the review of Ihe ordinance by the Commission or <br /> prior to the assumption by the Commission of responsibility for a local water supply <br /> wa~rshed protection program. Local governments may create or designale agencie~ <br /> to administer and enforce such programs. The Commission shall approve a local <br /> program only if it determines ~hal the requirements of thc program equal or exceed <br /> the mlmmtlm statewide ~vat~r SUpl)lY watershed management retquiremcnls 8dopled <br /> pursuant 1o this Sek'lJoI1. <br /> (e) Assumption of ~ocal Pro~rmns. -- ~e Commission sh~ll ~ssume responsibility <br /> {'or x~alcr SUpl~lY w;ttCl'~hud prolcction whenever a local gOVUl'lmlent fails to adopt a <br /> [)rograln which I11RRIS JJlc rR(Jtlll'¢lllUIliS of Jills SRcIioII or fails lo otJ~qtlaluJv <br /> adminiMcr-and enforce Iht I)rOVlMOns of ils pro~rffm. The Commission shall not <br /> assum~ re~ponsibilJlv for a waler Mq)ply watcrMlcd prolcciioo until it or ils <br /> {lotifics IIl~ local govcrnmcnl m wrilJng by ccrlJfJcd maj., relto'n receipt re(juRsl(d, of <br /> local proKram de[Jcicnc~c5, ruCOnlnlandalions I'or changes and improvements in <br /> local pro,ram, and the deadline Ibr compliance. Thc Commission shall allow a local <br /> gOV~l'mllOai ~1 min~mun~ of 120 days lo hring its proBram into compliance. TIi~* <br /> Commission shal order assumplioD of a local program if it finds Ihal the local <br /> Bovcrnmeni has made no subsianlJal progress Ioward compliance. The Commission1 <br /> may mak~ such finding at uny lim~ belwu(n 120 days and 365 (lays after receipt of <br /> nolJR~ tinder Ibis SLIDSccIiou by thc local governmenl, wJlh no [urihc[ <br /> (1'] SlalC ~nl'orcemenl Authority. -- The Commission may take api)roprialc <br /> jlrRv~lllJvc or r¢mcdJaJ cnJ'orc~meal acIIO~ ~[lJllsl ~aV person who vJoJai~s any <br /> illlHJ~Llal waicr suj]j)J~ walcrshcd m~ln~g~m~ll[ r¢quJrcmcnl whenever a local <br /> ~ovcrnmcni has unlawfully issued' a permit or has lkailed lo take approprialc <br /> enforcement aCilon. <br /> (g) Civil Penalties. -- A local governmcnl which fails ~o adopt a local water supply <br />walershcd projection program as required by Ihis section shall be st~bjecl lo a civil <br />pcnahv purstmnl Io O.S. 14]-215.6(~)(5). J, any nr¢a of Ibc Slate which is <br />coveted by an approved local water supply watershed protecuon program, any person <br />who vioJaJcS of fails lo ac} II1 aCCOl'(lancc wiih any slalcwidc mlnJmUlll mallilgomRill <br />requirement cslablishcd pursuanl Jo Ibis section shall be subject lo a civil penalty <br />apeci ricd in O.S. 143-215.6(a)( 1 )g. <br /> (h) Planning Oranls to Local Oovernm~nls. -- The Secretary.may make annual <br />granls to local govcrnmcnls Ibr thc purp'osc of assislmg m Ibc dcvclopmcnl of local <br />walcr supply wal(rshcd i)rolecliO~ programs. The SccrelarV sba{ develop and <br />adminiMcr ~ncrally applicable criteria under which local governments may qualify <br />I~)r such asSiSl;Incc. ]ucll Cl'l}Crl[l shall ~Jvc priority lo local governmenls wh ch arc <br />not Ilion administering zoning nrtlinanccs in af[cdlcd walcf supply watershed aruas." <br /> Sec. 2. Article 21 of Chapter 143 is am ended by addinga new section Io <br />read: <br />"~ 14~214.6. Wate~h~ Proration Ad~ Council. <br /> {a) Creation. -- There ~s crcalcd thc Watershed Pro~ecfion Advisory Council. <br /> <br />- llou~c Bill 150 <br /> <br /> <br />