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POLICY STATEMENT ON <br /> TAXATION AND FINANCE <br /> <br />Introduction <br /> The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners establishes as a pnnciple the goal of <br />providing Cbntrol of essential public services at the level of government most capable of delivering <br />them. In Order for counties to be effective partners with the state and federal governments, county <br />commissioners must. have the authority to generate optional revenues at the local level which are <br />sufficient to meet pbblic service needs and which are responsive to economic change. The county <br />tax base Should be broad and balanced, permiiting County governments to raise revenues from <br />various sources rather than being overly depend6nt on any single revenue source. <br /> A proper balance of service responsibility and revenue raising authority is imperative for effec- <br />tive governance by counties. Any restmctaring of responsibilities assigned to counties should be <br />coupled with restructuring of local revenue sources to meet those responsibilities. <br /> <br />Refining Mandates and Financing <br />. Countyofficials rec6gnize their responsibilities to cazry out policies formulated by the General <br />Assembly. At the same time, state policy makers should recognize the 'limitations of the county <br />revenue base and the variati0n~ in revenue producing capabilities among counties in mandating <br />programs for county financial participatiou. <br />The division of responsibilities for financing mandated programs should be drawn as follows: <br /> · Where the s~ate has mandated county financing idbroad terms, permitting county commis- <br /> sioners discretion as to the level of service to be provided, counties should have the <br /> primary responsibility for financing. <br /> · In those cases where the General Assembly has deemed that a minimum or basic service <br /> should be equally available to all state residents regardless of where they live or the ability <br /> of county officials to finance the service, the state should have the responsibility. Couuty <br /> financial participation should be limited to sharing the adminisU'ative costs of the program. <br /> · Those services initiated by the federal government to provide income maintenance for all <br /> citizens should be financed by the federal government. <br /> <br />The Mix of County Revenue <br /> The property t~ system is the mainstay of the county tax base. Therefore, the Association recog- <br />nizes the importance of efforts to make the property tax system more efficient and equitable. At the <br />same time, the Association will seek to broaden and diversify the county tax base to include ap~ <br />propriate optional sources. <br /> In the past several years, the property tax base has been eroded by exemptions and exclusions <br />by the General Asse~nbly,.se~mingly wi[bout regard to the effects on local govemmem revenues. If <br />counties are expected to participate as partners with the State in providing a variety of services and <br />the facilities to house these functions, they must have access to diverse revenue sources that are <br />responsive tO economic change and equitable in terms of impact on residents. <br /> Therefore, the Association will seek optional sources of revenues with the goals of systemati- <br />cally broadening and diversifying the sources of tax revenue which are at the disposal of county of- <br />ficials. <br /> The Association will be guided ay the followingprinciples in this effort: <br /> · Counties should have authority to generate optional revenues sufficient to meet their <br /> responsibilities, especially those programs already mandated by the state and federal <br /> governraents. However, new taxing authority should not be seen as encouragement for <br /> new State and federal mandates. State-mandated programs for basic or minimum services <br /> shOuld be funded from state-generated revenues. This avoids undue burden on counties <br /> and provides for even funding of mandated programs across the state. <br /> -OVER- <br /> <br /> <br />