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POLICY STATEMENT ON <br /> <br /> PROPOSED POLICY STATEMENT <br /> ON THE ENVIRONMENT <br /> <br /> Introduction <br /> Environmental issues transcend governmental boundaries and therefore require close coordina- <br />tion of policy and action by federal, state and local governments. The aim of public policy address- <br />ing envirOnmemal issues should be to protect vital natural resources, assure the public health, and to <br />enhance sound development. <br /> County governments in North Cai-olina must play a key role in the development and implemen- <br />tation of environmental policy. Powers delegated to the counties for protection of the public health <br />and regulation of development are important tools for carrying out measures to protect l.'md, ~tir and <br />water resources. <br /> <br />State and Local Responsibilities <br /> Protection of the cnvironmen~ must be a shared effort between thc state and local government. <br />The Association believes that the following principles should guide the relationship between the state <br />and local governments in the area of environmental protection: <br /> · State agencies charged with the responsibility for developing administrative rules to imple- <br /> ment federal and state environmental policies should involve local governments in the <br /> process at the earliest stages of development. <br /> In cases where state agencie~ issue permits for activities affecting the environment, affected <br /> local governments should be given ample opportunity to comment on all proposed permits <br /> in terms of consistency with local plans and policies. <br /> tn cases where state law delegates responsibility for implementation, monitoring and enfor- <br /> cement of environmental policy'to local governments, the state should provide, through law <br /> and regulation; for optimum flexibility at the local level in carrying out these respon- <br /> sibilities. <br /> State law and administrative rules should allow local goveruments maximum discretion in <br /> setting fees for such services as inspections, issuance of permits, monitoring :tctivities and <br /> enforcement. <br /> When state law mandates that all local governments assume new or expanded respon- <br /> sibilities for protecfion of the envit:onment that previously were considered to be discretion- <br /> ary activities at the local level, the General Assembly should provide funding for start-up <br /> expenditures resulting from the mandate. When state law mandates that state agencies <br /> dertake environmental monitoring activities, the General Assembly should fully fund the <br /> staff necessary to undertake these monitoring responsibilities. <br /> <br />Balancing Development and Environmental Protection <br /> All human activities have an impact on the environment. County governments believe Ihat public <br />policy on environmental protecdon~must recognize this fact and provide a rational balance between <br />these interests. To that end, the A~sociation of County Commissioners believes that it is imperative <br />that all iriitiatives to protect the quality of our natural environment be carefully evaluated in terms of <br />relative costs and benefits and actual risks posed to human health in absence of more stringent regula- <br />tion of activities addressed by the policies. <br /> <br /> NOTE: This Policy Statement will be voted on by delegates at the Bt~.~iness Session dttring An- <br />nttal Conference on Augttst 9-12, 1990, in Asheville. <br /> <br /> <br />