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CAROLINAS ' <br /> TttANSPORTATION <br /> { COMPACT <br /> <br /> Monthly Report Apd11990 <br /> <br /> Compact Activities prescnlation regarding the establishment of the Regional <br /> Traaspo~tatioo Authorily in the Triangle area~ They gave the <br />Members of die Carolinas Transportation Compact have committee a briefing on the legislatige process involved and <br />conducted many activities since the Februar~ 16, 1990, goner- provided aseful information on setting up a similar organize- <br />al meeting at Carowinds. We were pleased to have some mom- tion in this region. <br />bets of tho North Carolina and South Carolina legislative dele- The Charlotte DOT has suggested a summer effort to <br />cations in attendance as well as Compact members and guests, devise a legislative agenda for the establishment of an RTA. <br />Interesting discussions were held regarding legislative activi- Discussion has been held with UMTA regarding the use of <br />des pertaining m transportation in beth states. Entrepreneurial Challenge Funds. <br />It was agreed that the full Compact would not meet in A work plan for this project has been prepared and is being <br />March to allow members time to establish their committees. It reviewed. NCDOT staff has expressed general satisfaction <br />was decided that the next general meeting would be held in with the plan and is looking for ways to participate. <br />conjunction with the Carolinas Counties Coalition meeting on Rail Right-of-Way <br />April 25, 1990~ at the Toga Cay Clubhouse. At the endof The Rail Right-of-Way Committee meeting was well- <br />the afternoon session, 4:15 p.m.. the Compact will meet to attended by all members as well as a represcnlatives from the <br />discuss committee activities, the Executive Director's position, NCDOT Rail Program, the Charlene DOT, and the Western <br />and an oudln¢ of Compact by-laws. Piedmont COG. Thc NCDOT representative gave a sustewide <br />The ilueo CTC committee, s held meetings in February or perspective of the prograra for preserving significant mil lines <br />March. Following is a synopsis uf committee meetings and from abandonment. The Charlotte DOT representative dis- <br />activities, cussed local efforts for preserving rail lines in Mecklenburg <br />Outer-Outer Belt County. Preliminary work has been done in South Carolina on <br />The Outer-Outer Belt Committee meeting was attended by rail right-of-way preservation but the slate has no legislation <br />representatives from the North Carolina Department of Trans- as yet in that area, <br />partation and thc South Carolina Depamnent of Highways and A work progrmn is being drafted for this stod~/which will <br />Public Trnnsportalico as well as Compact members. Prolimi- include an inventoO of rail lines in thc region and un assess- <br />nary work has been done by SCDHPT to ascertain possible ment of their imporUmce to future transportation efforts. <br />routes and estimated cost for a proposed highway. NCDOT Executive Committee <br />iocluded an item in the State Transportation lmprovcmunt Pro- An Executive Committee Meeting was aucnded by all <br />gram for a feasibility study to be conducted on an outer-outer members of tile Executive Committee and Urban Institute <br />belt in this region. Staff. Items discussed included the Executive Director's posi- <br />A work plan has been developed for the outer-outer belt lion. Compact by-laws, and the Memorandum of Understand- <br />study which iff presently being discussed with tho NCDOT and lng. Members are reminded to comment on the Memorandum <br />the SCDHPT. Students are being hired as research assistan~ of Understanding to either Executive Committee Members or <br />on this project, and a computer is being purchased. Work will staff. Paperwork for the Executive Director's position has been <br />begin on' this'study in early May. submitted to the state personnel system and will bo discussed <br />Regional Transportation Authority at the April 25 CTC meeting. An organizational committee <br />The Regional Transportation Authority Committe~ meeting meeting will also bo held on April 25 and members of that <br />was attended by representatives from NCDOT, SCDI-IFr, and committee wil, ~eport to Compact members on a proposed out- <br />the Charlott~ Deparanent of Transportation as well as Corn- line of the by-laws, <br />pact members. NCDOT represcnlatives had an interesting <br /> <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br />