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North Carolina <br /> Low-Level Radioactive Waste <br /> Management Authority <br /> a~, r.r,t~,~ James G. Martin, Govemor <br /> Han~,E.L~Or~'~{..~ Hay ~, 1990 <br /> <br /> To Mail List Recipient: <br /> <br /> The North Carolina Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management <br /> Authority, established by the General Assembly in October 1987 is <br /> charged with siting, building and operating a low-level radioactive <br /> waste disposal facility in North Carolina. As provided in the N. C. <br /> General Statutes [(G.S. 104G-9(e)], the Authority shall select a <br /> minimum of two sites that are suitable for the location of a low-level <br /> radioactive waste disposal facility for characterization. <br /> <br /> By transmittal of this letter, you are officially notified that a <br /> site in Richmond County and one straddling the Wake and Chatham County <br /> lines have been selected for detailed characterization studies. The <br /> purpose of site characterization is to assess each site's suitability <br /> for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste. Detailed <br /> characterization plans are being developed for each site by the <br /> Authority's principal contractor, Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. These <br /> plans, which will specify the many tests required, will be reviewed and <br /> approved by the Division of Radiation Protection before the <br /> characterization process bsglns. The characterization process is <br /> expected to take somewhat more than one year, and is a very important <br /> step in determining if the sites can be licensed for the disposal of <br /> low-level radioactive waste. You will receive additional information <br /> about detailed characterization in the weeks to come. <br /> <br /> If you have any questions or if the Authority can be of <br /> assistance, please let us know. Our toll-free number is 1-800-248-6421. <br /> <br /> Sincerely, <br /> <br /> Chairman <br /> RLMICHSllsk <br /> <br />. ll6WestJonesSt~et · Raleigh, North Camlina 27603-8003 ' 919-733~682 <br /> North Carolina Residents %11 F~e 1-800-2484421 <br /> <br /> <br />