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NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS. <br /> SECONDARY ROAD ADDITION INVESTIGATION REPORT <br /> <br /> County Cabarrua Co. File No. Date 5-15'q0 <br /> TownShip No. 1 Oiv. File No. 10.1157-0 <br /> <br /> 1. Rockwood nd., 2. BiTer Fails Hd. <br /> Local Name. 3. Cold Sprlngs hd., ~. Holly Tre~SuDbrdivision Name Cabarrus Woods <br /> ~. 2,775', 2, 1,292' <br /> Length~ 1;345' 4. 96~Width 20 TyPe I-2 condition Good <br /> <br /> Is this a SUbdivision street subject to the Cons'truction requirements for such <br /> Streets? Yes Recording Date See atta. Book See atta. Page See atba. <br /> Number of homes having entrances into road l~ 55, 2. 25, 3. 25, a. 18 <br /> Orbed'uses having entrances into road Mat1 route <br /> Righq-of-Way.Width 60' If r{ght-of-way is below the desired width, <br /> give reasons under "Remarks a~d Recommendations." <br /> Is petition (SR~l) attached? Yes <br /> Is the COUnty COmmissioners Approval (SR-2) attached? Yes <br /> If not, why?i <br /> Is a map attached indicating information for reference in locating road by the <br /> P]anning Department? Yes <br /> Cost to place in acceptable maintenance condition: Total Cost $ 0.00 <br /> <br /> Grade, drain, stabilize $ 0.00 .. , Drainage $ 0.00 , Other $ 0.00 <br /> Remarks and Recommendations Streets recommended Lo bo added. Hoots requirements <br /> <br /> For subdivision streets. <br /> <br /> Reviewed and Approved <br /> BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION MEMBER <br /> <br /> Reviewed and Approved <br /> DIVISION ENGINEER DISTRICT ENGINEER <br /> <br /> (Do not write in this space - <br /> For use of Secondary Roads Dept.) <br /> <br /> Petition No. <br /> <br /> (Do not write in this space - <br /> For use of Planning Dept.) <br /> <br />:~' .... .$.~r,m: SR-4 (4/89) - 61-02~5 0ABAERUS' G{)UI~TY PLAi;I)INGzTQEPART)4EN~ <br />'!i i~";--' '(~ABARRIJS COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTA4ENI L~ ~ ~ ' <br /> <br /> <br />