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~-" CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 0 II .'"':-':'.' . <br />~ This certilicalo is issued as o mailer of informaIion only and confeis no righls upon the cerlificala holder. <br />?.,.) This Carlilicalo docs nol amend, exloncl or allot lhe COVOraDo allordod by lbo policy(les) listed below. The <br />;~:.. Insurer accepls no responsibilily lot any addilions or changes made hereon Ihal are nol On record with <br /> the Insurer. <br /> <br /> Name and Address of Insured: <br /> <br /> SO/JTIIRRN IN?ERNATIONAL FIREWORKS, TNC. <br /> AND BALLOON TECHNIQUES <br /> P,O. Box 8340 <br /> Atl. anta, GA 30306 <br /> <br /> This IS I0' cerlily lhal Ihe policy(les) el insurance lisled below have been issued Io Ibc insured named <br /> above and are in force al Ibis time. <br /> <br /> TYpE oF)NsuRANCE: CENERAL LIA§ILIT¥ INCLUDIN~ . . <br /> and dperations/Iocalions PRODUCTS AND COMPLETED OPERATIONS <br /> covered lherOunder I.TABILIT¥ INSURANCE PER POLICY FORt'! <br /> CMGL-I (CLAIMS MADE) <br /> <br /> NAME OF INSURER: EVANSTON INSURANCE COMPANY <br /> POLICY NUMGER: HC 11407 <br /> :POLICYPERIOD:' March 21, 1990 to March 21, 1991 <br /> <br /> LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND DEDUCTlaLE: COMBINED S'INGLF. LIMIT Bodily Injury and <br /> ProperC. y .Damage Liability <br /> $1; 000,000 each occurrence <br /> $1,000~000 annual segregate <br /> $ 25,000 Deductible each occurrence <br /> Shoul~ the described ~licy(ies) bo Cancelled belOre ils (Iheir) exPirelion dale, Ihe undersigned will eh. <br /> deavor to give 10 days ~diten notice to the cerlificate holde~ or 10 days wfitlen notice in {he event <br /> the denceilaliOnl$) is (are) due Io non;paymenl el premium and/or deductible or relenlion. Failuie Io give <br /> svch no,ice Sha{~ iMPose no Obfigation Or habiiity of any kind upon Ih~ undersigned or upon the Insurer. <br /> <br /> Name and Address of Certificate Holder; <br /> CARObINA ~ALL CO INSURED: CAROLINA <br /> HZGHWAY ~9 NORTH <br /> CONCORD, NC 28025 <br /> <br /> A~N: ~R. DAVID 8ILLA <br /> MEOW DATE: OUbY 4, ~990 OR AhT. DATE <br /> <br /> Fvanslo, Ilhno~s 00201 <br /> <br /> <br />