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Administrative Alert <br /> Information for County Staff from the N. C. Association of County Commissioners <br /> <br /> URGENT MEMORANDUM!! <br /> <br /> Actuarial Studies for Separation Allowance Benefits <br /> <br /> To: Finance Officers and County Managers <br /> From: Debra 1.1olley, Director of Information <br /> Dale: Thursday, May 10, 1990 <br /> <br /> This menlo Is to let you know that two very Crucial deadlines are approaching for your counly lo have <br /> an actuarial study performed for yonr Separation Allowance for Law Enforcement Officers at a sig- <br /> nificant savings. Thc N.C. Association of Connty Commissioners, in cooperation wilh the N.C. <br /> League of Municipalities, has solicited proposals from several actuarial fire,s to perform the actuarial <br /> studies for the next throe years at a reduced rate. <br /> <br /> Five firms submitted proposals, with Buck Consuhants of Atlanta; Ga., submitting the most cost ef- <br /> fective proposal. The Association and the League staff will recommend to their Boards this mouth <br /> (ou May 10 and May 17) that lite t~vo organizations cuter into an agmcmeut wilb Buck Consnl [ants <br /> to perfoml actuarial studies for interested countics and cities over thc next three years at thc contracted <br /> rate. Although this contract has not received Board approval, we do not anticipate any problems and <br /> feel that it is critical to begia soliciting commitments from counties to participate and to begin col- <br /> lecting needed information on retirees currently receiving the separation allowance. <br /> <br /> Our proposed joint agreement is attached via the proposed contr.'mt witl/Buck and the attached let- <br /> ters from Buck to this Association. A summary of thc basic mans are: <br /> <br /> 1. The base fee l'or all counties will be $150 per local unit, plus $1.00 per covered employee anti <br /> retiree. <br /> <br /> 2. The base fcc would be adjusted up if less than 100 uuits of government participate or adjnsted <br /> down if mute'than 300 units participate, but would not vary significantly from current base fees. <br /> <br /> 3. Counties must return the atlachcd green form to provide data on asscls arid retirccs ~vho have col- <br /> lected the separation allowance no later than JUNE 15, 1990. Entities that fail to provkle this data <br /> by June 20 will have their fees DOUBLED. <br /> <br /> 4. Buck will use the same assumptions as arc used by thc Local Govcrnmcatal Employees' Retire- <br /> meat System. <br /> <br /> 5. Back will use the projected unit credit fuudiug method in determining the cost of fimding the <br /> benefit. A county may sclect another fimding method, but this will result in an additkmal fee of $200 <br /> per county. <br /> <br /> 6. The fees will remain constaut for at least Ihrcc ycai's. <br /> <br />i -OVER~ <br />'i NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY CO~MISSIONERS <br />~ P.O. Box 1488 * Raleigh, N,C. 276~2 * Telephone (919) 832-2893 * FAX (919) 832-7021 <br /> <br /> <br />