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4. American Indian or Alaskan Native, that is, a person <br /> having origins iT1 ally of 'the original peoples o£ North <br /> America; or <br /> <br /> 5. White Female. <br /> <br />The County .ch~'l 11 require bidders on major construction and <br />renovation projoct.'~ to provide as£;ura~(:e$ in writing that th~,y will <br />make a good-I .t.[th offor~ to ~.;olicit minority busin~3s:~cs <br />subcontractori~ ::hould they be awarded the construction con~ract. <br /> <br />the County: <br /> <br /> 1. The names and addresses of minority buginesse:3 that will <br /> particlp;'tto in the contract and the namer: of in~no~*ity <br /> Du:/[ne[;~;o~/ contacted but not participatino7 <br /> <br /> 2. A description of the work ench named minority business <br /> will perJform; <br /> <br /> 3. The dollar amount of participation by each named minority <br /> <br /> 4. Copies of any advertisements or correspondence the bidder <br /> has u~:ec{ to attract minority subcontractors. <br /> <br />A contractor's good-faith effort to involue minority business firms <br />in the project: caa be dc.mon~:trated by u:Jing, among other ~actors, <br />the {.ol iowin~j: <br /> <br /> 1. At~endinq any pre-solicitation and pre-bid meetings that <br /> are schocluled by the County to in[ors minority businesse:; <br /> of co~t~:acting and subcontracting o~J)ortunit, ien; <br /> <br /> 2, Advertising in general circulation, trade association, <br /> and minority-[outu~ mec~i;~ concernin~j the ~.~uboo~%tractin~j <br /> oFFer tul]itit,n; <br /> <br /> 3. Providing written notice to a reasonable number of <br /> minority bu~; [nossos that their intero~;t in subco~tractin~j <br /> i~: }3oinq :;elicited, in sufficient time to nllow the <br /> minority busine~::;ez: to participate7 <br /> <br /> 4. Following up initial solicitations of interest <br /> contacting minority bu~in~r.~u[~ to determine with <br /> cornail%ty whether tho minority business are interested; <br /> <br /> <br />