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Copies of the bid package, including specifications, are available <br /> to aJ%y qu~lifiod biddera County po±icy will also be to :~end <br /> notices ~%J~d a coJfll31etc~ bid pack~[ge to a~ many k~own su[)Dliers a~.; <br /> is pos~iblo and practica/. <br /> <br /> No proposal shall be considered or accepted Unless at the time <br /> its filing it is a~companied by ,% deposit equal to not lo~;~: than <br /> five percent of the ;)roposal. 3n the case of bids on purch.%se <br /> contracts Undor $100,000, the Board of CommiSsioners may w~tivo the <br /> bid de])o~3it roqu.[~oment. Tho deposit requirement ~:or bicb~ on <br /> construction and rep;~ir ;0ntracts may riot be waived. <br /> <br /> The bid doponit may be in tho form of c~sh, cashier's check, <br /> co~t.lfied Check, o~ a bic[ bond by a :.:urc. ty licensed in <br /> Carolina. Other foetus o1' depot;it ;~:o not acceptable. <br /> <br /> This deposit shall bo retained if the succes~;ful bidder fail~ to <br /> exeCute tho contract within ten clays; after the aw~-d or fail:~ to <br /> give :~atisJ:actory :.;urc. ty ns required herein. <br /> <br /> Scalcd bids are opencd at the. exact time and date ~peci£ied in the <br /> legal notice and on the bid request. The opening o[' a bid without <br /> <br />constitutes a hii~;deme~nor. All bids will be cDc, ned t~ublicly and <br />la[e bict:; Wi%l not be accepted. County policy <br />bids be made on t]~e form~; provided by the County ~u%d that dc. live):y <br />time ailc{ exceptions to t~e speci~ ication~; be noted on the bid <br />tabulation. <br /> <br />The award for all bids will be made to tho "lowe.~t responsible <br />bidder taking into consideI~Ltion quality, perforn)ance, and thu time <br />spocifiod.i2% ~ho proposal~l for tho porforma~lco of t]%o contract". <br />].'ol7111al bids are awarded by the Board of COmmif;sionera basc. d on <br />recommendations by tha County Manaqc.~ C~}3a~r%lS Cotl~%ty .L)% all <br />in:;tance~; res(3rv,?:; the ri(3ht to reject any 2u~d all bid:; and to <br />accept ~ho bid mo~.;t favoc~tble to tho County. <br /> <br /> I0 <br /> <br /> <br />