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, , PROPOSAL ACCEPTADCE SIIEET , · <br /> <br /> TIllS AGREEMEtIT is by and between CabarL-us Count~; ~ith an office <br /> a~ ~r~s County, Post Office ~x 707, ~rth ~rolina 28026-0707 ("Client") <br /> <br /> and S~.lE. With an office at 9800-D Sot~hern Pine Bm, leuard~ Pos: Office Box 7668, <br /> <br /> Ch~r[o~e~ North Carolina 2824]-7668 who agree as fallows: <br /> <br /> [. EH~GEHEHT. Client desires to engage S&ME to provide certain services (the "Services") Jn connection with <br /> the Client's project (the "Project"), set forth in an S&NE proposal (the "Proposal"): <br /> <br /> Proposal Humber L353-355-88 Proposal Date 3/~7/88 <br /> <br /> Short Description of Services Co~s:ruc~iot~ Qual~cy Co~crol <br /> <br /> Project Site ~ Comcord, NC ) <br /> <br /> For perfo~ance of Services,, Client shall pay S~HE as set forth in th~ Proposal and in accordance with the <br /> terms and conditions referenced below. <br /> <br /> II. CONTRACT DOCUMEHTS. The following documents form a part of this Agreement and are incorporated herein by <br /> reference: <br /> A. S&ME, Terms and Conditions, Reference Humber ~M/O2Ofl-86 , attached hereto <br /> B. The Proposal, attached hereto <br /> C. The plans, reports, specifications and other documents provided by the Client in an exhibit marked <br /> and attached hereto <br /> O. Other exhibits, marked and described as follows and attached hereto <br /> In the event of any inconsistency or conflict among Contract Documents, the provision in that Contract <br /> Document first listed above shall govern. <br /> <br /> III. TO 8E COHPLETEO BY CLIEHT <br /> A. For payment of Services, invoice to the account of: <br /> <br /> Firm Cabarrus County <br /> Address Post Office Rox 707, Concord, NC Zip Code 28026-070P~0ne Humber 704/788-8100 <br /> <br /> Attention Mr. Ja~Js W. Lentz Title Interco County blanager <br /> g. If the invoice is to be mailed for approval to someone ether than the account charged, please indicate <br /> where to mat1 the invoice in the space below. <br /> <br /> Fi rm N/A <br /> <br /> Address Zip Code Phone Wumber <br /> <br /> Attention Title <br /> <br /> Ill WII'IiESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives <br /> <br /> this 17 day of March , 19 88. <br /> <br /> CLiENT~abarrus County ~/~ S&~ x'~ .~..' <br /> <br /> /3ack J'. Ama~', P.E. <br />:TiTL~//Interim County ~qnager TITLE Branch )lanager <br /> I¥ <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br />