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PAGE 1 <br /> SgCTIOa 1: L, IST TII~ EXPLANATION FOR EACll ~I~TI(¥ SIIO~4N 011 Till BUDGET 1NFOI~TIO~ SII~%. <br /> <br /> 12~ ~ 3180) Dec~eased due to staff turnover. <br /> <br /> 190 _(+ .125) Increased ~ates fo~ consultstio~'se~vices. <br /> 210 _(- 605) Utilization of Met~olIna Food Bank and donations to the q~oup home. <br /> 220 ~(+ 275) Hurricane Huqo coused the loss of half ~he f~eeze~ ~f food. This ~esulted <br /> in th~ g~oup home havlnq to purchase one mo~e bulk load of food thsn <br /> ~t icJpa~ed. <br /> <br /> ~0~ (~.. 25) O~creased need. <br /> <br /> 250 ~+ 125) ~ne~eased rate5 fo~ van ~une ups and_~ changes. . <br /> 260 ,.(+ 15~ AeC.hi_cost based nn 10 months utilization. <br /> 290 [- 165) Oriqin~l]y budgeted prin~Jng and binding ~n this ]ine item. <br /> <br />.~?fl (+ ~75/ A~ s.ppnrt system i~ nnntinually ~,9grRded~ many mnre calls to Mecklenburg <br /> <br /> . CnHnty werP made I:hRn ~x~ented. DHrJng 3anuary a "flat rate", plan w~ <br /> purnha~ed rrnm Rnnnnrd Phnne Rnmpany ~nd telephone bills ~ave decreased since. <br /> ~30 (+ llSO) HnRntinipated innre~ne in rates due tn damage nm~ed hy Hurricane Hugo and <br /> <br /> 37~ , (-.. 85) ~ctunt cost bssed on 10 mDnths <br /> >PO {+ 910) Increased d~rect services to clients. Je. olanned vacation to the beach: <br /> <br /> allnwanees increased due to extra held with clean UP after Huflo~ econnmical <br /> <br /> ... innreases ¢~r ha~rnuts: school supplieS, Field trip mnney~ ere, <br /> 410 (+ 750) Unanticipated rental increase <br /> fl~0, (+ ~60) Van rental was sl4qht~y more than anticipated. <br /> <br /> 115~ (+ 33~} Increased insu~ng~ <br /> ~NUEO ON NEXT PAGE <br /> <br /> JO~ TITLE ANNU~ OR IIOU~Y RAGE ~LOYED UNDER Tills CO~T~CT <br />I. <br />2. <br />3. <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />7. <br /> <br /> <br />