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o~ this Ordinance at their regularly scheduled moethly <br />meetings. Applications must be tiled thirty (30) days <br />p~ior to the regularly scheduled monthly meeting so <br />that stall evaluations can be accomplished. <br />Applications along with respective staff evaluations <br />must be submitted to the Planning Board at least <br />five (5) days prior to the regular monthly meeting <br />date. <br /> <br />~tep. ~ Pl. ano.inq Board Recemm~n.dat Commissien.~.~_ <br />Within thirty (30) days of hearing the presentation o! <br />an application to amend, the Planning Board <br /> ~ubmit its recommendation to the County Commission. <br /> Failure to do so wi [I be considered a favorable <br /> recommendation. <br /> <br />Ste 5 ~imin of P u lb i c Hearin b County C~_..mmis$ion <br />Within forty-five (45) days of a r~commendation by <br />the Planning Board da an application to amend text or <br />atlas, or, within the lapse of forty-five (45) days <br />with no recommendation, the County Commission shall <br />hold a public hearing. The tollowing notice procedures <br />will be lollowed: Notice will be given twice in <br />newspaper of general circulation in the County, <br />run not less tl)~n ten (lo) days nor more than <br />twenty-tire (25) days prior to the public hearing date. <br /> <br /> Step 8 Factors Weiqhed at Public Hearing. When <br /> evaluating a proposed amendment, the Commission will <br /> consider the following: <br /> <br /> the amendment application itself and the <br /> informalion presented within~ <br /> <br /> 2. the test imony presented at the public hearing~ <br /> <br />3. county wide planning objectives and how they would <br /> be effected by the proposed change; and, <br /> <br /> 4. in the case of atlas changes to a general zoning <br /> district, the compatibility of alt uses allowed <br /> within the proposed zoning classification with uses <br /> permitted on other property ia the vicinity. <br /> <br /> Step 7 Commission Action on Amendments. At the <br /> conclusion of the public hear icg on a proposed <br /> amendment, the Commission may proceed to vote on same, <br /> rater it to either the Planning Board or Staff for <br /> further study, or take say other action consistent with <br /> its usual rules of proce'du~e. Voting on amendments to <br /> this Ordinance shall proceed in the same manner as <br /> other ordinances. <br /> <br /> <br />