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Subgrantee Application Form <br /> <br />4. Internal Ope~tlona Please describe brief~ the m~or goals o! your mganbation end the overall strategy <br /> f~ implementing those goal~ Summa/lze your ergen~etion's planning pio~a~, <br /> how your wganlzatio~ wo~s to develop the ens in your count~ how your <br /> organlzstim~ evaluates its progzams end/~ settees, a~d your OrganizatioNs <br /> <br /> _ The Caharrus County Parks and ~ecreaLian DeparLment is dedicated to meeting <br /> the various leisure needs of the citizens of Caharrus County. The department <br /> strives to meet these needs in t~o major areas: facilltiee and programs. Facillties <br /> are developed both by the county and ~ith other community organizations through a <br /> matching grants program. Programs are developed to meet the needs tha~ are not being <br /> served by other local agencies, public or private. ~eeds are identified through <br /> contact ~ich various individuals and groups in the co~unlty~ surveys~ and recent <br /> Lrunds ~lLh/n Lhe leisure service £1eld itself. The departmen~ has attempted to <br /> develop a veil-balanced arts pregram for ciL£zens 0£ all a$es ~ith both visual and <br /> performing arts. The staff of the department, along with various part-time staff, <br /> volunteerss and partiuipants, meet Lo evaluate and upgrade these services. All · <br /> Cabarrus County agencies are governed by the local government fiscal control act. <br /> <br /> Communi~ Involvement Please de.ribs your mganizatlon's efforts to a~ive~ involve ITeditional~ <br /> underse[ved audiences (racial and ethnic minorities, senior citizens, disabled <br /> persons, institutionalized persons, economically disedvamaged persons and <br /> geographically isolaled persons] in Ihs relieving areas: board and staff <br /> · developmenl, program development audience developmenl end ¢ommunicallons <br /> (publications, publlcit~ etc.). <br /> <br /> Cabarrus Youth Theatre is open to all Cabarrus County youths 38es 6-18. Auditions <br /> are held for each production and every aLtempL is made to Cast as many as possiblel cuts <br /> are made only if absolutely necessary~ and in Chess eases~ efforts are generally made :o <br /> incorporate those persons by creating additional roles vhere possible, ur olfering the <br /> opportunity to be involved in technical theater as a volunteer. <br /> <br /> Complimentary tickecs for each sho~ are oifered to rest homes, group homes for the <br /> mentally and physically handicapped, etc. The stair vorks with these agencies to meet <br /> special needs vith regard co special seating areas lot vheelchalrs and seats up £runC <br /> for visually and hearing impaired. All com~unicatlons for the cheater are handled by <br /> the Special Popala&ion:/Special Events Supetvisur~ ~iLh assistance from the Special <br /> Programs Supervisor. <br /> <br /> g. Prog~m Des¢gption Pleasegivee brie/descriplionoftheprogam for whichyouarerequestlng <br /> ass;slants. <br /> <br /> l~e Cabarrus Youth Theatre lsa non-profit theater pro&ram administered by Lhe <br /> Cabarrus County Parks and Recreatlon Department, with asslsLaece from community groups <br /> such as Lhe CYT Booster Club. The cheater is designed to provide the youth of Cabarrus <br /> County with an opportunity to explore and enhance Lheir talents in the disciplines of <br /> music, drama, dance, and technical theater. Founded in 1972 by a group of interested <br /> co~uni£y volunteers, the program serves approximately 2500 performers, voZunteers~ <br /> and spectators each year. The theater normally contracts a staff oi three to eight <br /> artists as teuhnisal support personnel. Plans for fiscal year 1990-1991 Include <br /> shove and a readiu& stage, including preaudition vorkshops for the shove. ~': <br /> <br /> The Cabarroo YouLh Theatre ~on :he Class II Arts and Numanities Avard for 1987 <br /> · given by the North Carolina Recreation and Parko Society and vas nominated for the <br /> regional arts and humanities a~ard from Lhe ~aLional Recreation and Park Association <br /> in early 1988. <br /> <br /> <br />